Flower Basket was orphaned young and in a traumatic manner. She was the one finding her mother’s cold body in a pool of blood after an assault in her shop, and didn’t process that well. Suffered nightmares of that scene over and over, as well as just shutting down and refusing to talk to anypony since. She still has a bad stutter today, and any traumatic experience can make her shut down again in isolating silence.
Magnus is a hardworking gryphon who wanted to help someone needing a home. He had met Flower and her mother once before, hearing about the tragedy he opened his home for the hurting filly to give her a warm home and help to get through the loss and trauma. Doing his best a single adoptive father to help the young filly the best he can. He arranged for a burial spot for Flower Pot, Flower Basket’s mother, when learning she had no family to arrange it. Giving Flower a place to visit when missing her. Magnus didn’t fully expect this would be the push needed for the filly to dare talk again. Nor was he fully aware her last sight of the mother, lying in a pool of blood, had stuck so much with her she couldn’t dare think of her mother without that image. Giving her another point of focus, a gravestone with her mother’s cutiemark, helps her try push the image aside when missing her mother.
Just a scene between these two always stuck with me. Flower would slowly open up to Magnus after this, the two growing to a loving family always there for each other.
Not my greatest comic composition, much of empty background and cheap shortcuts with silhouettes and speech bubble filled space. Still, this was done surprisingly fast, these usually takes me days but this one just took one evening. A bit of an achievement for me.