Info: Polithesisa was born as the daughter of her village chief. Her village was a very small farming community on the banks of a long snaking river, this place was called the fertile mile and lies deep within the Saddle Arabian desert. When Polithesisa was of age her father arranged a marriage to unite their village with a neighboring village with a large fresh water supply.
However, shortly afterwords her husband was killed in a desert raid and she took over. Polithesisa was young but strong, she wasn’t an alicorn at this point, but everyone had taken note of her unusually long ears. Everyone saw it as a sign that Polithesisa was a demi god, and should be offered to the gods to be blessed. She was taken to the capitol of the fertile mile and brought before the king. He too thought she was special and had her taken to the temple where she was indeed blessed. Polithesisa became an alicorn and was offered a spot on the king’s court as a regent. Polithesisa accepted and made great strides to combine the small villages into larger ones to protect themselves and ease trade.
Several years pass and the king dies without a child to replace him, at this point Polithesisa had risen to the position of Grand regent and the crown came to her. Polithesisa wasted no time in her grand plan, building a grand city for everyone to live in protection and peace. The city’s name was Teirn, it spanned miles of the river’s bank, it had libraries, monuments to king’s past, a museum, an academy, a school of fine arts, and plenty of space for farmers to grow crops and food, the city also had homes for the common folks and space for markets in the grand square.
Soon after the fall of Discord, Polithesisa and the royal sisters met, the meeting was friendly and both sides decided that boarders should not be stressed and there was plenty of land for all.
Polithesisa was a stern, and incorruptible with a firm belief in the law. But, she was fair, and gentle to those she loved. Teirn was made the capitol not long after it’s completion and Polithesisa’s eventual pyramid tomb was built. Polithesisa wed several times to acquire more territory and seal alliances, she even had four foals witch would eventually become her regents. Everyone didn’t dare challenge Polithesisa due to her massive size and the fact she was a blessed demigod alicorn also discouraged resistance. However, as time wore on, the tales of Polithesisa’s divine appointment had been largely forgotten and soon ponies were planing on how to get rid of Polithesisa and take Teirn for themselves.
This rebellion came at the hooves of her grandson, who captured her in the middle of the night. He demanded that Polithesisa make him king and she would be allowed to live as his slave. Polithesisa in response not only refused him, she laid a curse saying she would return and in her absence this land will wither and die and anarchy will run the streets and the palace walls will be stained with his royal blood. The grandson injected poison to paralyze Polithesisa, wrapped her in bandage, and placed within her pre-made sarcophagus to be sealed in her tomb.
Just as her final words declared, famines started up as the river started drying up. The hungry ponies fought over the last scraps of food within Tiern then dispersing from the empty bones of the city, leaving it to crumble in the desert.
Many years pass, Polithesisa stays alive in her tomb, quietly feeding off of magical energy given to her by her gods that blessed her in the first place, waiting for her reentry into the world. That day came when a professor from the university of Fillydelphia with a hired gun, Nightswift, entered the tomb.
Upon opening the sarcophagus, Polithesisa sprang out and quickly captured the professor. NS lept into action, the exchange was short, just one gun shot that missed caused Polithesisa to stop. Polithesisa could sense the magical void around Nightswift, a dead giveaway to Nightswift’s involvement with the guardians. Polithesisa decides to chat with NS instead, and it turns out over two thousand years has past and her city is just a pile of rocks and vague ruins now. Polithesisa was upset at first, and vowed she would restore her city and build a mighty empire. NS then offered an old fort not too far away from here that she had already cleared out and wasn’t using. Polithesisa accepted that as a gift and offered NS the position of Dignitary, NS kindly refused and went with “good friend”.
Polithesisa wasn’t too impressed by the crumbling fort but was very curious about the strange weapons of this modern age. Polithesisa went to work converting anypony in the fort into her loyal servants.
Polithesisa would first shoot bandage from her hoof and wrap up a victim, then her eyes glow and stair into a victim, placing them into a deep trance. She then places them inside a coffin with a gem stone in the lid, when the afternoon sun shines on the stone, it educates the pony within in everything they need to know for the task assigned. tasks like; Soldier, Guard, Servant, Builders, Slaves, and Farmers. Once the process is done, the coffin opens up and the bandage falls away, the pony gets out a freshly minted and completely loyal servant to queen Polithesisa. But, Polithesisa can do this by gaze alone if the target is too big or heavy like lamias, driders, tanks, planes, and trucks.
In her thrown room, Polithesisa lays upon pillows while being fanned and fed fruit, before her harem dancers entertain her. Already, the fort has doubled in size, and just last week, Polithesisa captured her first tank pony…
The rebirth of an empire and New Teirn starts here.
UPDATE: Polithesisa has always been curious of nearby lands and uses a special spell to alter her appearance to explore lands in hiding. She trots around city streets under the guise of a beggar named Paulie, every so often, she will go to some pony’s door and ask for food or shelter, if they are kind she rewards them with a wish or a potion, if they are heartless, she will curse them, not a heavy curse, just something interesting, like age changing, voice tinkering, and so on.