Deviantart Description:
Fluttershy, original character of Lauren Faust :iconfyre-flye: from the show “my little pony: frienship is magic”
I’m so sorry about the wings, I forgot to draw them :( but I will edit it and do the wings
Me enamore de Fluttershy desde el primer momento en que aparece en la serie, toda super timida y chillando bajito porque le daba miedo hablar con Twilight :heart:
me gusta mucho como me ha quedado el fondo, pense en ponerla junto a su conejito Angel pero queria darle mas protagonismo a ella
me han vuelto las ganas de dibujar caballos, seguramente dentro de poco suba mas fanart de my little pony o de spirit
Fluttershy I fell in love from the first moment it appears in the series, all super shy and softly screaming because she was afraid to talk to Twilight: heart:
I love how looks the background, I thought of it next to your bunny Angel but I wanted to give more prominence to it
I have become the desire to draw horses, probably soon rise more fanart of my little pony or spirit