So……………… this dragon we saw before that looked like spike and now from this small clip recently this dragon………… is spike………… yeah…… just no…………
this can’t really be him like many people seeing this dragon assumed this was a descendant of spike and i still think he could be a descendant of him like maybe he is spike the second or spike the third and sunny mistaken him at first as the real spike or maybe……….. just maybe he is not related to spike or even his descendant and this dragon just happens to be called spike because he was named after spike because he just happen to almost look like him in a way because after all spike became a hero and if you were a well known hero some parent will name their child after them another thing is spike would be very old by now he would be a large old wise elder dragon not some young looking dragon in his 30s that is the same size of these other dragons and there are a lot of other reasons why this can’t be him because the last time was spike in the future he was still standing on his two legs
I guess we have to wait very soon when it comes out. I hope the dragon is either a descendant of him or was named after Spike but if he is the real spike…………… there sure will be a lot of hate for whoever thought this was a good idea
like they should of kept him for a movie sequle instead of this because they would not had the budget to do him good
@Anonymous #9DAA
Well I personally don’t really have a problem with furries. But I’m not part of that community either. But yeah I can definitely see why it’s a toxic community too. But to be fair what fandoms aren’t toxic every now and then? But I’m not going say all furries are toxic. In fact I actually met a couple at some anime conventions and they seemed pretty nice. It’s way different when you meet these kind of people in real life.
@Finn Mertens
If my memory serves, E621 usually don’t accept screenshots and such.
As for why E621 has such an awful community and moderators, the place is a cesspit of fur faggotry. What else would you expect from a place like that. Be honest.
@Anonymous #0527
It’s honestly about as ridiculous as E621 deleting stuff and claiming it as poor quality when it clearly isn’t. E621 is just as bad as Derpibooru is if not worse. Derpibooru may have a toxic community but holy shit E621 is far worse than them and it makes me wonder why nobody has decided to make a site similar to theirs but better.
@Finn Mertens
What were you expecting from the same airheads who keep self-sabotaging their own site, even in the aftermath of the 2020 drama and despite having this site as direct competence? For some reason they still think the censorship is an excellent idea, and now seems like they’re charging against the people who dislike the G5 in any way.
Wow, Derpibooru deleted this claiming it’s “not pony related”. Are they seriously that stupid? This is completely related to MLP. They aren’t even trying to be reasonable with their deletion reasons. I have a feeling they are literally just deleting stuff for stupid reasons.
Well I personally don’t really have a problem with furries. But I’m not part of that community either. But yeah I can definitely see why it’s a toxic community too. But to be fair what fandoms aren’t toxic every now and then? But I’m not going say all furries are toxic. In fact I actually met a couple at some anime conventions and they seemed pretty nice. It’s way different when you meet these kind of people in real life.
If my memory serves, E621 usually don’t accept screenshots and such.
As for why E621 has such an awful community and moderators, the place is a cesspit of fur faggotry. What else would you expect from a place like that. Be honest.
It’s honestly about as ridiculous as E621 deleting stuff and claiming it as poor quality when it clearly isn’t. E621 is just as bad as Derpibooru is if not worse. Derpibooru may have a toxic community but holy shit E621 is far worse than them and it makes me wonder why nobody has decided to make a site similar to theirs but better.
What were you expecting from the same airheads who keep self-sabotaging their own site, even in the aftermath of the 2020 drama and despite having this site as direct competence? For some reason they still think the censorship is an excellent idea, and now seems like they’re charging against the people who dislike the G5 in any way.
He looks like Spike, he’s called Spike.
That’s all we know so far.
But his hindlegs suggest he’s able to stand bipedal if he wants.