Original Description:
Adopts Batch [CLOSED]
**1 | 2 ****
****3 | 4 ****
1. CLOSED|Belongs to Frostfallxx
2. CLOSED|Belongs to PixiStickss
3. CLOSED|Belongs to **Plixine **
4. CLOSED|Belongs to **Aesthetican **
First come , first served !
** Diamond - pink F2U pixel dot Reselling / trading is ok. the new owner must read and agree to these Rules and you must inform me of the new owner.
** Diamond - celestial F2U pixel dot You can change the design and species after that you buy . **
** ****Diamond - pink F2U pixel dot **You must credit me for the design the first time you draw the character .
**Designs by me
Base by me / link: fav.me/dbk1kjm