Original Description:
Nov 23, 2016Mega Pony (And Not) Parts Pack
ONLY USE FOR NON COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. Points are fine, but no real money.
I decided to upgrade my old ‘Extra Pony (And Not) Parts’ pack with a LOT of new parts; and now, color coding!
All traced from the show in various episodes.
Red=Normal Pony Parts; Includes, but not limited to:
Flapping wings
Floppy wings (two variants)
Wing ups
Messy wings (two variants)
Folded wings (many)
Floppy horn
Stallion wings (three kinds, plus folded)
Elderly wings
Extended wings
Deep Blue=Nightmare Moon Parts; Includes:
Half folded wings
Folded wings
Open wings
Hot Pink=Cadance/Luna Parts; Includes:
Half folded wings
Folded wings
Open wings
Cyan=Discord Parts; Includes:
Open bat wing
Open bird wing
Half folded bird wing
Closed bird wing
Yellow=Other Parts; Exclusive:
Owl wings 1 and 2
Light Pink=Celestia Wings; Includes, but not limited to;
Folded wings
Arched wings
Nightmare Star wings
Half folded wings
Floppy wings
Wing pushing (two kinds)
Flapping wings
Brown/Orange=Griffon Wings; Includes:
Half folded (several variants)
Green=Dragon/Monster Parts: Includes, but not limited to;
Manticore wings, open and half folded
Cockatrice wings, extended, open and folded
Crackle wings
Garble/Teen Dragon wings
Adult Dragon Wings
Fuschia=Foal/Filly Parts
Snips & Snails horns
Folded baby wings and open baby wings
Flapping filly wings
Half folded filly wings