Moonflower: “… This is the dream I told you about!”
A golden sun shines from deep within a sea of stars, twinkling currents running along the edges of infinity. Invisible walls surround a circular floor of seemingly perfect glass, reminiscent of the World Between Worlds. Across from you, a single closed door shines an ominous red, emblazoned with your very own cutie mark.
If this is a dream, you wonder, then whose dream could this be?
Moonflower: “I dunno! There’s nopony else here, and it’s the same thing every day an’ night.”
Such is what Moonflower has been telling you for the past few weeks. Yet it was only yesterday that the young Oracle learned to create shared dreams, that you may finally witness it for yourself. Then, could this dream belong to something other than a pony?
Moonflower: “Don’t think so. The Princess said we can only visit the pony dimension of the dream realm. Other creatures’ dreams are different, so we wouldn’t be able to make sense of ’em.”
Be that as it may, you cannot imagine a pony slumbering around the clock to dream this dream. You ask your companion if there is anything else to be found here.
Moonflower: “Well, normally, I can go anywhere I want in a dream, but that door’s different. I can’t get past it! I tried askin’ Princess Luna, but she’s as stumped as I am. She thinks maybe the cutie mark has somethin’ to do with it.”
That this mystery would elude even the Princess of the Night is concerning indeed. But if the door truly bears a hint as to its key, then there is yet hope to unlock it. Still, you must consider its purpose: what could it be trying to keep out… or in? And more importantly, what does it want with you?
Moonflower: “I’m super curious! But you’re right; Princess Luna warned me about some fiends that can live inside of ponies’ dreams. This could be some sorta trick.”
As you step forward to take a closer look at the door, a soft tingling sensation begins to ripple through your body. Your cutie mark lights up to give off a faint glow, reacting to the magic ahead. Somehow, you sense a great darkness beyond.