Anonymous #DCBC
Anonymous #DCBC
Artist -

This post like Team Rocket, always coming back for a new beating.
Anonymous #DCBC
I should have expected you to turn words around on those who said them in the first place…

@Anonymous #DCBC
Well if they can’t define what a woman is, how can they be expected to know something as basic as spelling?
Anonymous #DCBC
Anonymous #DCBC
Wow. They misspelled “never”. What a fucking oopsie.
Anonymous #DCB0
Anonymous #418E
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again:
This is a fucking disaster.
Anonymous #7028
There’s also the problem of sorting out which ones are the victims of what abuse…
Consider that many of those “trans kids” are children of mothers with borderline personality disorder. A curiously high percentage of “trans kids” are. In many of those cases, you will find that the mother’s mental disorder is being projected onto the kid, causing the mother to teach the kid that the kid is trans. These kids have essentially been gaslit into thinking they’re trans, and are more victims than anything else.
Many other are recruited by overzealous teachers and such. Attention starved and often socially weak and poorly functioning kids that are told that the reason they have trouble dealing with others is because they are trans, and being trans makes you special. These kids are also victims of the woke politics.
The sad reality is that many mental disorders can be induced in people by someone else with enough time, skill and effort. Gender dysphoria one of these, and I suspect this is what accounts for the sudden rise in trans kids in the world.
And then there’s there those guys that have autogynephilia. Those guys can burn in hell. They’re men that get sexually aroused from thoughts of being seen as being females. They’re the ones that get off on cross dressing, and/or exposing themselves while doing so…
Anonymous #A191
Sounds like a less savage, yet more effective solution. If you start to slaughter them, you are ironically transforming them in what they want to be: Martyrs. Victims of the intolerant society! Like they claim. Discrediting them, and show the public how ridiculous they ideals really are, helps to deny their beliefs, so the rest of the people can see what they really are: A bunch of brainwashed idiots who are more intolerant than the rest of the people, poiting their fingers and insulting while screaming transphobic at you if you question their ideals (Those beforemetioned ideals includes letting underage people mutilating their genitals, and keep silence when a regretful post-transition trans commits suicide). Best part of it? You don’t have to stain your hands with blood. The knowing can be a more effective weapon than bullets, and so, that’s why the rest of the social media and traditional media are so obsessed with censorship.

@Adán Druego
Nah man, that just gives them more fuel to play victim with. To defeat them you have to discredit them and get them mocked at large by the public. They can’t cry victim when all public support has vanished and nobody takes them seriously. They can’t be crybullies when misgendering them is no longer grounds for getting people fired out of spite.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Obviously, trans isn’t a real thing. Whenever I hear someone mention transphobia in a serious manner, I just roll my eyes. Now, if you want to enact real world changes, you need to use force, violence perhaps. You must make these things afraid to be noticed. They speak of being oppressed, while never acting so, thus they need to be taught what actual oppression is. We need to treat them as they’re treated in the Middle East and China. The same with corporations that promote this nonsense. They need to have their offices firebombed, their products destroyed and if need be their personnel harmed. As for online, in some random comment section, this is more of a game, that why they are mocked.
Anonymous #B659
This whole comment section is a disaster.
Artist -

@Adán Druego
I didn’t, but you are just being extra retarded. And it was not just the message i answered to.
Trans is gay, worthless and fake… that is all. No need for your theatrics.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

You do realize that all that stuff happened around the time of the release of Hogwarts Legacy, don’t you? It was due to that British trans teen, Brianna Ghey, who was stabbed in a park or something. Blacks got angry that a white person’s death was getting their hashtag, even though Natives claimed that the blacks had just taken it for themselves from their own community.
The looting was looting, rioting and killing of elderly Asian women didn’t happen because of that, it just happens, but blacks are retarded.
I was trying to mock real world death and events. I was hoping that anyone who actually cares about the trans community or make the connection and feel sick and appalled that someone who do such a thing, simply to make fun of an MLP image.
Anonymous #B659
Artist -

@Adán Druego
You really reaching some new levels of cringe mate.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

See the trouble you caused Diamond Tiara! All because you were too selfish and self centered to commit suicide quietly!!
You could have been a martyr for the trans community!! They would have spread #SayHerName all weekend long on X, formerly known as Twitter.
The blacks would have been enraged and claim that that hashtag ought to be used for their kind alone, since “dey blakk n sheiiiiiit”. Then the Native Americans would point out that the hashtag originated with their community and the lack of news coverage of missing indigenous women!!
That would have caused the blacks to riot, loot twelve Targets and push two elderly Asian women onto two different sets of subway tracks, leading to their deaths.
It. Could. Have. Been. YOU!
Anonymous #E55D
underage transgenders
You, my dear bastard, are a soulless monster.
Are you sure Adán is the monster here, dude? And no, you don’t need to kill to become one, by the way.
Anonymous #B659
@Adán Druego
I’m all for killing homophobic scum, but I’m thinking 18 or older. You, my dear bastard, are a soulless monster. If I were to climb up to your ego and jump down to the value of your life, I would never stop falling.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Also, how did we get off-topic and start talking about exterminating certain groups?
Okay… I’m probably the reason for that latter, but still…
So, on-topic, I think the trans flag look like a box of Neapolitan ice cream, an old carton, perhaps.
Some would describe it as “Vintage”.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Anonymous #B659
If need be. But honestly, I was referring to campuses, like colleges and universities. I’d advocate for the ending of you, judging by your response. It’s nothing personal. I feel that hundreds of millions within the US alone ought to be liquidated.
For uh climate change… that carbon handprint and such.
In Roblox because Minecraft is owned by Microsoft now, so…

New and Semi-Improved
ignorant transphobe assholes
everyone on this damn site is an complete asshole
You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.
Anonymous #B659
@Adán Druego
Are you saying that we should kill underage transgenders? Because fuck you if so.