Lemon Hearts was walking in the autumn forest and unnoticed was soon lost.
“Oh no. Where the hell am I?” Lemon thought and looked around.
At the same time, he walked forward and tripped on a rock.
“Okay, it happened.” Lemon said and looked at his side. It was full of scratches and bleed a little. At the same time, Lemon suddenly heard voices from the front. From there appeared an opal-colored earth stallion.
Lemon Hearts was amazed and a little embarrassed when he realized what it looked like. There were leaves on the brush and tail and scratches on the turkey.
“Is everything okay?” the stallion asked.
“Yes. I just stumbled into the rock.” Lemon said.
“Good. I’ll help you up.” the stallion said and approached Lemon. Soon he was peeling the leaves off Lemon’s brush and holding out his hooves.
Lemon felt a little blush. After getting up, Lemon hugged his helper and noticed the stallion blushing as well.
“I’m Lemon Hearst. Thanks for the help.” Lemon said.
“I’m an Autumn Leaf and please.” Autumn said and they left together for walks out of the woods.
Lemon Hearst and Autumn Leaf
Mlp Base Love by Tigresa237 on DeviantArt
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