Luna “BUUUURRRRRRP~! Pardon me~!”
MLP Sweetie Belle (Dizzy) Plz “Well that sure was ‘fun’…”
:iconapplebloomewwwplz: “So Scootaloo… Still think this is just an ordinary Spook House?”
MLP Scootaloo (Aw Cmon) Plz “Ah shaddap and eat your candy!”
Pirate Pipsqueak “Oh! Hi girls! She got you too, eh? Not to worry. You get used to this place. Yay! Free candy!”
Whelp…! That happened…
At least Luna has fun. And it looks like the Crusaders won’t be the only ones spending the night in her belly.
And don’t worry. They’ll be fine. Luna remembered to “digest-proof” her stomach ^^
This comic was based on a comment by -TGM- on derpibooru
Credit goes to -TGM- for inspiring me to make this ^^