Trixie icon “Yay! Trixie ate Twilight Sparkle~! Trixie is the GREATEST~! Trixie is the-”
:iconstarlightcuteplz: “Hi Trixie. Did you MEET Twilight? And what’s that you’re wearing?”
Icon-Trixie “It’s a manticore costume! And, uh… The Great and Powerful Trixie did not EAT Twilight!”
:iconstarlightreallyplz: “Manticore costume..?? EAT??? Wait a second… That Shrinking Spell. Don’t tell me you-”
Unimpressed Twilight “Ahem! In here! A little HELP please?”
:iconstarlightdozyplz: “Sigh…! Hang on Twilight. I’ll fix this…”
Oh dear… ^^; Well, at least Trixie is happy.
Crazy Twilight Sparkle Emoticon Icon 9 “For the moment…”
:icontrixieafraidplz: “Keep away! Trixie PROMISES she won’t do it again!”