deviantart description:
There is a tale among ponies that on the night before they earned their cutie mark, they saw a mysterious alicorn in their dreams. She never appeared again afterwards, and it was ALWAYS one time. No pony has seen an alicorn resembling the one they saw- some thought she was Celestia, others thought she was a fusion between Celestia and Luna- but she wasn’t. Of course, there were ponies who claimed to have seen this princess but didn’t earn their cutie mark the next day- or ones who claimed to have never seen her but earned their cutie mark anyway. It is also said that soon-to-be mothers saw this princess in their dream, and she gave them names for their foals. One thing was for sure; this princess had a connection between ponies and their cutie marks.
hello hello !!! was thinking about a silly “princess of cutie marks” oc but actually ended up taking it too seriously lol. anyway, this is princess destiny, princess of cutie marks ! she doesn’t necessarily decide what your cutie mark will be, but she does have some kind of future vision that lets her help momma ponies name their babies ( its my kind of explanation on why ponies are usually named after their talents ) also i dont think she really exists anywhere besides the dream realm- maybe she lives in a heavenly alicorn society or something like that 🤭 her cutie mark is an infinity symbol, meant to represent the infinite amount of cutie marks and the endless possibilities a pony’s special talent can be.