Original Description:
Hopeful Twilight Sparkle“An… infestation?”Hello everypony! Introducing my third work ^^ fourth if you count FlutterDash as two. Pretty easy, I had barely any trouble. I see some flaws e.g., that knee-line… but for now I try my best to trace it as close to the original as I can. (That leg’s angle is pickin’ a fight with my perfectionism though)I wanted to draw Twilight, but this time ordinary pose and facial expression wouldn’t suffice, so I watched this episode and it was either this one or the moment when she snapped:
“We need to build an exact copy of Ponyville right over there. We’ve got less than a minute!”Needless to say, this is from the “Swarm of the century” when Celestia informs them she is (fortunately for them) unable to stay due to an infestation in Fillydelphia.Edit: fixed some lines