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“Upon the holy scriptures of the Harmonious Order, I bless thee with a prayer:
Blessed be the Tree of Harmony, may ye shine thy light
upon us once more and giveth us thy protection. Spurn the darkened
realm from reality and let not evil touch us; nor the arrow
that flieth by day; nor the pestilence that festers in the dark.
I shall say of thee, for thou’rt my refuge. O’ Tree, I shall trust
in thee to shield me of the wicked and rid me of those who wish to cause
me harm. I ask of thee: Protect me O’ Tree in the name of the Two Sisters
I ask this of thee. Amen.” - Arch-Priestess Twilight
The Arch-Priestess of the Harmonious Order gives a blessing in prayer to a soldier of the Empire of the Two Sisters.
Divine Princess Celestia watches the Arch-Priestess minister the prayer.