Community Collab Image 2024 This year's collab has begun! Post your submissions here

Image imported from derpibooru
Original Description:
I walked alongside the purple/lavender princess as we both passed through the entrance of Canterlot’s castle, the guards allowing her the entry and even opening the door for her, though one of them seemingly had to check us both if we were disguised changelings, and he was understandably confused because he couldn’t get a good reading of me… he didn’t know even what I was. Still, knowing that I wasn’t a changeling was good for him, and since I seemed to be Twilight Sparkle’s guest, he also let me in
Inside, it was… like I expect a castle to be in all honesty; completely decorated with various kinds of expensive jewelry, or ornate architecture seemingly made out of marble or some kind of fancy construction material that shone a tiny bit with direct light, and there also seemed to be some stuff in gold, either gold-coated or actively made out of gold, like the flowerpots hanging from the pillars. On the left side there was the famous and pretty stained glass windows, sectioned in such a way that depicted important moments in Equestria’s history, like one that showcased Discord, another one that portrayed Queen Chrysalis, and a third one that showed Twilight’s coronation, all in beautiful mosaics. We were also stepping on a luxurious kind of soft and velvety red carpet that went all the way through the corridor, and everything seemed so clean and polished, like if it was cleaned every minute or so. It actually made me feel bad since I didn’t want to make anything dirty.
“Um… Miss Princess Twilight Sparkle?” I started speaking, my voice trembling and extremely soft, byproduct of my anxiety that really questioned what was going on right now and was converting me into a very worrisome plone. “Um…. W-what a-are we doing here?” I asked to her… it was really difficult to try and form a coherent speech with Princess Twilight Sparkle considering that she was one of my favorite ponies, and my dreaded anxiety didn’t let me even speak by worry of embarrassing myself, to the point that I’ve been wanting to ask that ever since she randomly banged my door and told me that I needed to go out with her for something… I even had forgotten my glasses on my room by the suddenness.
The alluded Princess of Dorkiness giggled as she continued to walk through the furnished hall, looking back at me with a smile “You don’t have to call me with such a title, you know? Just Twilight is okay, or Sparkle if you prefer” she noted, and I simply nodded in agreement, not wanting to inconvenience “And well… remember the Event you were doing? The one that happened on 1st April on Ponyville and parts of Manehattan where you’d choose your favorite Princess and support her?” She questioned towards me, it was probably a rhetorical question but I didn’t want to leave her without an answer so I just replied.
“Erm… y-yeah… I-I-I think… um… I remember that the New Lunar Republic won…” I explained shyly and timidly, my voice barely above a whisper but she managed to hear it anyways… somehow… sometimes I couldn’t even hear myself “Well, what rank you got?” She asked again, which was a bit pointless since if I remembered correctly she was the one carrying the statistics for every contestant… if it had to deal with numbers, lots of math, lots of point counting and homework-like stuff, you could count on Twilight I guess. “U-Um… Rank S?” I said with a bit of a worried tone, starting to get anxious and wonder idly if I had done too much in the Event.
“Exactly… That means you were in the top 10 of the contestants during the event. The top 10 contestants receive a special gift. Thankfully you lived in Ponyville, I had to teleport all over Manehattan and other parts of Equestria for the rest, hehe” She joked, and I felt a bit like if she had dodged the explanation of what was the gift, but I didn’t need to ask what was that ‘present’ she was going to give me as, making a quick turn to the right, I suddenly saw the figure of a particular pony princess that I was fighting for during the event.
She was standing there menacingly sitting in the carpet, seemingly signing a document that had been given to her by a white Pegasus with yellow mane and a blue jacket… Hey I know that guy, he was one of the participants in the event, and he even has one of the badges that were given at the very end. I waved at him cutely like a filly, and he waved me back with a little cute smile as we recognized each other while Celestia was busy with her document… hold on a second is that CELESTIA?!
After finishing with her document, she gave it to Lightpoint, who proceeded to fly away from the scene that would develop afterwards, intent of doing the task he was just assigned to do for the princess. Before she could even turn back to me after dismissing the handsome Pegasus, or Twilight could even present us both in an cordial way, I suddenly realized I had pounced onto her and was currently hugging her leg cutely, excited and very happy, like some kind of puppy that just went ballistic after seeing his owner coming from work and entering the house. Twilight tried her best to actually stop herself from falling onto the floor and laughing at my response, and seems like Celestia was caught off guard by my surprise snuggle to one of her legs… to be fair I was even shocked myself I reacted like that, and when my reasoning started coming back to me after the initial excitement, I felt a heavy sense of anxiety and dread for what I just did, worrying quite a bit about my imprudent, improper, impolite, and completely out of place reaction.
After recovering herself from the hilarious scene, she pointed a purple underhoof at me “Well… um… he’s… uh… Bashful Interceptor” She started, attempting to find a way to salvage the situation somehow “He’s… one of the participants that got to the S Rank, and she was in the Solar Empire team… I’ve still got to give him the A rank badge…” Twilight said that last part in a mutter, which Celestia heard anyways but didn’t comment on, although she did look at my chest, where a magical badge of the Solar Empire’s logo was hanging proudly. I looked at her, yet still trying to avoid direct eye contact, as I let out a little anxious “S-sorry… f-for jumping on you M-M-Miss P-Princess Celestia”, with my ears down like a beaten dog, or a beaten kitty in this case.
“Oh, you must be the plone Twilight told me about, it’s a pleasure to meet you my little pony… first… time seeing somepony like you… and don’t worry… it’s nice that you’re so eager to see me” Celestia said, giggling lightly, her voice sounding warm and soft. She took off one of her hoofshoes, leaving it next to me, and she started to gently caress and hold the twin booms on each side of my body, as if inspecting them curiously. A bit instinctively (Though perhaps it was me trying to demonstrate what I was), my wings popped out and the booms extended, revealing the soft and furry metal wings, aside from the vertical and horizontal stabilizer in the back. “Oh, um… did I do something wrong little one?” She asked, a bit shocked of that unexpected reaction, but Twilight handily proceeded to explain “Oh, he’s just a plane pony… well, a plone catpony hybrid of sorts. 33.33% aircraft, 33.33% pony and 33.33% cute… Er I mean kitty.” She smiled dorkily as she slipped with that last part, which made the Solar Princess giggle even more.
“Ohh, I see… So a plane pony huh? Or plone?” Her attention went back to me after Twilight finished talking, one of her hooves gently massaging and ‘preening’ my wings, in a way, even though they were relatively solid… but it actually felt really nice “I’ve heard of your species but I never got the pleasure to meet one… until now… and a catpony too” She added, smiling warmly and gently, making me feel a bit less anxious overall. Upon finalizing the ‘catpony’ part of her speech, she looked at me with a bit of a teasing smile of sorts, similar to the ones friends did towards me often, and before I realized what would happen she had brought me closer towards her with a hug, I stumbled a bit, accidentally stepping inside her hoof shoe, as I really wasn’t expecting such physical affectionate gesture. My blushing was notable, as she kept snuggling me a bit tightly and pressing me lightly against her chest, as I picked up some sort of beautiful fragrance from her fluffiness that portrayed perfectly her warmth and softness, while she looked down at my smol face buried in her chest with those soft, pinkish eyes that reflected her motherly character. She giggled a bit more at my surprise, anxiousness and embarrassment, as she softly cooed “It’s okay, I can sense you’re nervous at meeting me… I see that all the time… you’re also anxious right?”
I feel confused and conflicted… how she knew? Did Twilight tell her? But my thoughts weren’t able to get cleared as she put a soft, pristine white and fluffy hoof on my head. “Hehe, you’re certainly shy and completely adorable… Don’t worry, it’s all fine, I think this will help you”… And almost immediately, she started moving her relatively big hoof over my mane, gently twisting and rotating her hoof on top of my head as I couldn’t help but let out cute little barely audible purrs of happiness and delight, enjoying her gentle and… pretty much perfect touch. “I… I’m not used to petting cat ponies, so I beg your pardon if I do something wrong” She added with her usual regal tone, as she took down her crown with her magic and the rest of her regalia, burying my face in her heavenly soft and velvety chest, the fluff and her body overall being like a comforting pillow, as she brought another hoof to slowly and pleasingly caress my cheeks.
I smiled in innocent happiness, purring a bit louder. A little ‘Nyaaaaa’ escaped me, the sound of a relaxed, joyful kitty, as I sighed in content delight, allowing her to continue petting and pretty much pampering me. She smiled a bit more after seeing my reaction, her snow white cheeks starting to become slightly reddish as she spoke softly “My goodness, you’re such an adorable little pony… aren’t you? You cute little kitty”. The spectators of this scene had their heart melted to varying degrees, especially Twilight who was directly exposed to such dangerously adorable scene… although I would’ve preferred for no pony to watch me in this… situation…
I think at a certain point Twilight felt like the third wheel of the unicycle, since she cleared her throat to request Princess Celestia’s attention, the latter almost completely focused on me, before the alicorn dork spoke “Um… I think I have to go Princess Celestia, sorry but I’ve got to help Applejack with something in her farm”. The accused pony nodded with an understanding visage, as she replied caringly “Sure, of course, you are free to leave and help your friends. I hope you have a nice day Twilight”. After waving goodbye, both to me and the princess that kept me as a petting hostage (Not that I minded) she left the scene with a teleport, only purple dust remaining where she spotted, which slowly vanished as part of the thaumaturgical process. Since the alicorn wasn’t there anymore, I suddenly got the full attention of the white princess, while she ran a lovely soft hoof through my back, starting from my head, to my neck, and ending in my plot, like if she was repeatedly stroking the back of a cat… well I’m a cat… no wait I’m not a cat but a cat pony… still, I was deeply in love with her affection and I just kept on hugging and cuddling her, nuzzling her chest fluff caringly and licking either her cheek or her hoof when she went to massage and caress my cheeks, at a certain point squishing my smol face between both her forehooves, the frogs firmly pressing my cheeks as she looked at me in the eyes. “Don’t worry my little plone, I can see you’re a bit worried about me judging you or looking foolish around me, but I promise I’d never judge you on your demeanors”. After she had finished her sentence, she winked at me, an action that left me confused, and then her celestial, snow-white wings wrapped me gently and caringly, as if shielding me from the exterior world and protecting me. Before I knew it, I felt lightheaded and fluttery inside my stomach, the scenery of the Canterlot Castle’s hallways suddenly changing to one of a room in the building, with the same amount of beautifulness in regards to how it was designed. They definitely had thought about royalty.
When I regained my senses, I realized that Celestia had teleported from her previous positions in one of the castle’s hallways to a guest’s room… Wait no this doesn’t seem like a guest room… That gigantic bed… with the symbol of the sun above it… this… looks… like… “Welcome to my bedroom my little kitty… I… I hope you like your stay. Hopefully after this you consider me one of your friends, you’d like that?” Her voice was so soothing and comforting I could fall asleep right now, especially because I was still being petted and pampered continuously by her soft hooves. My purring was almost near-constant at this point, varying only in intensity whenever she approached to the petting areas I liked the most. After a few seconds, I actually realized what she had just said, and I just smiled widely and cutely, which was lampshaded by the princess as she noted “Oh my me, you’re even more adorable, and that cute smile! I didn’t think it was even possible! Well I’m happy you consider me one of your friends my little plone” I wasn’t sure if she was teasing me with that, or she genuinely found me cute, still, as she shifted my little body to the side, letting me fall softly and slowly against the cold floor, before she put both forehooves on top of my belly, standing a bit. I felt her weight press on me slightly against the ceramic before she started moving her hooves around, rubbing my belly. I smiled cutely and giggled, my hindleg twitching and bapping repeatedly the ground like an excited happy dog, earning giggles from the sun part of the royal diarchy as she pressed a bit harder and continued to massage and rub my belly.
After a few minutes of this action, she suddenly heard knocking from the closed doors of the bedroom. She let go off me as we both heard that it was most likely one of her underlings that was requesting her services. Celestia looked back at me, and as her horn glowed, she smiled in such a motherly warm way that was like a calming aura around her “Sorry my little kitty, I have to attend day court, and I’m sure that… the vast amount of ponies there would easily make you anxious… we don’t want any negative publicity because there’s a little kitty plone following me around, as adorable as it’d be” A little wink that felt a bit teasing from her, before out of sudden a giant plushie of Celestia materialized next to me, in her own image and likeness, it was basically an inanimate version of her, even having that soft, dense fluffiness. “I’ll leave this for you, it has my magical aura embedded in it, so you’ll feel warm and comfortable with her, like if it was me. If you need to urgently contact me, you can boop the plushie’s snoot and it’ll open a telepathic link between you and I… Oh, it’s also weighted… not sure if that’s important but I imagined you’d like it” She added with a teasing smile towards me, as she headed towards the door, I almost immediately snuggled under the plushie, my head popping out from the chest fluff as I cuddled with the toy in my own way. “Oh…”
“And I’ll be back in a few hours; I think I’ll have enough time at that point to fully enjoy my time with you… In any case I think you’d enjoy shrinking down and being with me, right?” And then she left, leaving me a confuzzled plone with a severe blush, squished under a life-sized Celestia plushie.
“Wait what…”

Who wouldn’t love being Celestia’s cute little pony, to be petted and hugged and snuggled and do other silly fun things with?
I mean just look at her, with her white coat her rainbow mane and her motherly attitude >W<
Oh yeah right I’ve got to explain the drawing here Xp
Well this is a panel two comic where I drew my ponysona and Princess Celestia (I feel so selfish by saying it Xp. ‘I drew myself having a good time with PC’ sounds so egocentric XD) because of the whole April Fools event thingy where we fought to have our teams win, both NLR (Luna) and SE (Celestia), I was in the SE and I got a nice shiny S badge for being in the top ten :D
And yes that’s how Bashy looks with his twin-booms contracted (not extended) and the wings hidden. Just think of some hammerspace-weird-thingy that allows that because otherwise you’d have U-2s causing havoc since they hit everypony in the neck with these colossal wings XD.
The badge is based off the ones that were given after the event, tho I completely forgot of actively adding the ‘fire rays’ kinda stuff for the A badge, ripperoni me. Also the cute little Bashy is very excited of meeting Celestia :D
I completely forgot that I had to draw Celestia’s regalia in the second panel and realized only when it was too late and was like ‘Oh well let’s just say she took off her hoofshoes, regalia and crown for it to be more ‘personal’ ‘, also you can’t bury your face in her chest fluff fi you have that silly chestplate thingy blocking your way, right?
And well, aside from all that, blue and red hearts cuz these are Bashy’s secondary colors, and Princess Celestia is doing the forbidden technique of two-hooved petting, while Bashy just turns from a living sapient pony being to a kitty that loves to be petted and treated like that.
Also can’t help but think that Celestia on the first panel looks like the sideways ‘Chad’ meme with the blonde hair xDD

safe2205636 artist:fliegerfausttop47120 derpibooru import1576605 princess celestia116847 oc968209 oc:bashful interceptor27 alicorn418672 cat8786 cat pony883 original species34957 plane pony2224 2 panel comic2153 :36532 april fools 2023137 behaving like a cat2857 black mane4607 blue eyes14055 blushing277013 canon x oc34214 cheek fluff9004 chest fluff64885 comic130329 crown36039 cute254673 cute little fangs3036 daaaaaaaaaaaw5680 descriptive noise1599 duo136843 ear blush1556 ear fluff50499 ears47944 excited4203 fangs40424 floating heart5710 flowing mane3952 fluffy19781 fluffy mane644 happy43755 heart73576 heterochromia8155 hoof fluff3212 hoof on cheek610 hoof on head732 jewelry108986 leg fluff4919 looking at someone15201 looking down14386 multicolored hair12902 multicolored mane46115 ocbetes7019 onomatopoeia8233 paws7111 pet play5113 petting2522 peytral6640 pink eyes2096 plane4118 rainbow hair4671 red eyes10745 regalia33584 signature43244 silly8531 simple background605083 smiling403256 solar empire341 sparkling234 traditional art142272 white background185087 white coat41960 wing fluff2371 wings223892


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