Wanting to get rich quick and inspired by Daring Do books, Gilda went down into a mysterious dungeon. But without the ability to see magic or even to read ancient inscriptions, she very soon fell into a magical trap. This curse turned her voluptuous breasts into solid golden nuggets!
Now, they are real treasures… but Gilda doesn’t seem happy about it.
Fun fact: Gold is one of the heaviest metals in the world. The golden ball with a diameter of only 4.6 cm weighs as much as 1 kg! And balls like her weigh about 272 kg. Each one of them.
The unfortunate bird has yet to discover that she can no longer move her golden tits even an inch.
P.S.: These smoothed AI images are good, but get boring quickly. That’s why I decided to generate something in idw-like style.
What do you think about it? Would you like to see more AI comics in this style?