So I made it safe and well to my holiday destination with my sons, even if I’m pretty sure my car won’t make the return trip. Such is the nature of having to do smaller fixes rather than the big stuff- don’t worry, I’ll make it back one way or another, even if I have to cut the floor of my car out and “Flintstone” all the way home XD
Anyway, here’s Deep Field again, the pretty lady with major Cutie Mark issues and that leads her to depression, numbness, and not a small amount of misery. Worry ye not, my friends- she’s with a group of professionals, and they’re getting close to a solution.
That leads me to my next point.
My own struggles with my numerous mental health issues are well known here, and I’ve never made it a secret of any kind. It has always been my intention from the very beginning of my “fight” to help try and raise awareness and acceptance of mental health matters, and to help out more directly where I can.
While I will likely be combating my particular cocktail of issues for the rest of my life, please listen when I say this:
The Sadness recedes in time.
The Pain is temporary.
The Anger can be channelled into something less destructive.
The Voices go silent eventually.
The Fear can be worked through.
If you have something of this kind going on, then please speak to someone- Friends, family, a professional, or hell, speak to me if you have no one else. I don’t judge, I can listen well, and perhaps I may be able to give you some advice or constructive coping mechanisms?
You don’t HAVE to talk to me about it if you don’t want to- heck, as far as you’re concerned, I’m probably just some rando off the internet, and I’d fully understand that decision. Just speak to someone. Please.
Thanks for checking out what I’ve been working on! I hope that you’ve enjoyed this little diversion, and as always- take care of yourselves, and I’ll catch you next time! ^^