Personality: Elegant, selfless, confident, big romance fan, heart of gold, loves hugs, loves to dress up and fasion.
This is Princess Radii Amoris, daughter of Princess Celestia and Princess Celestia. Radii Amoris is a kind and gracefully pony. She always loves exploring the Crystal Empire and other parts of Equestria along meeting new ponies, being the daughter of the Princess of Love she’s a big fan of romance and loves being a matchmaker who loves to find a pony’s special someone. There are times where she can be a little dramatic but she doesn’t get too carried away. She loves spending time with her siblings Stella, Daydream, and Nightray. When they become older they form a secret group to help watch over the newest generation of ponies, especially the young Prince Tripp who Stella Everglow is tasked with being his guardian.