So I’ve been thinking about making a clown themed OC for a while now because I actually really like clowns and circus themes, and now I’ve finally had the motivation to do it. Introducing Chaozmo (pronounced Kay-Oz-Mo), also known simply as Chaoz. He is a pony-like creature, and even has a cutie mark of sorts. I’m undecided whether to consider him a demon of some kind or an alien (I did listen to the Killer Klowns From Outer Space theme a couple times while making this) or something else entirely. I like to think he enjoys scaring others and can also hypnotize creatures. He was originally going to have a spade tail but I liked the way the tuft looked better as it added some more color. Since this was made as a contest entry on Amino there is no base used, so I get to show off that I am capable of drawing a pony without one.