While leading them to a better home, Pinkie Pie addresses the yak’s prejudice.
The Mane 6 are no strangers to shipping. This even applies to a character as hyper and bubbly as Pinkie Pie who has been shipped with several characters including Discord, Party Favor, and most notably, Cheese Sandwhich. But there is one other character besides those three: Prince Rutherford, leader of the yaks. Pinkie tends to be closely associated with the yaks in episodes such as “Party Pooped”, and “Yakity-Sax”, and I thought i’d be fun to explore that a little more. Originally, I was going to do a romantic piece between Pinkie and the prince, but this idea was more interesting to me overall, albeit VERY last minute.
In this alternate universe/what if scenario, Pinkie becomes Yakyakistan’s princess after marrying Prince Rutherford, and is very optimistic about her role. However the yaks are less-than-thrilled about their new co-ruler due to her being a pony. When the village is destroyed and the prince killed in a fierce battle, Pinkie Pie is left to face the prejudice all on her own. As she leads the yaks to a new home somewhere, she finally snaps and expresses her sadness towards having lost her husband and being ostracized by her own subjects.
Again, a very what if scenario. I know a lot of us here still love PinkieXCheese. Myself included. I also just wanted to do another piece with the yaks since I don’t draw them that often.