Original Description:
Cloud dash: Mom…
Rainbow dash: Yes Sweetie, what is it?
Cloud dash: Um… Can you teach me how to fly?
Rainbow dash: What?!
Cloud dash: Why are you shocked, mom? Do you think I can’t fly?
Rainbow dash: Of course you can! let’s go out
Cloud and Rainbow go out from house
Cloud dash: Okay, okay… I can do this.
Cloud dash start to fly
Rainbow dash: Fighting Sweetie!
Rainbow see soarin coming
Rainbow dash: Hello honey…
Soarin: Hi Honey, and hi Cloudy
Cloud dash: Hi father tired voice
Soarin: What are you doing Cloudy?
Cloud dash: I’m just training for fly, but it’s really hard
Soarin: Oh, so you just training to fly. Fighting Sweetie! You can do it!
Rainbow and Soarin: You can do this! Come on! Fighting Sweetie!
Cloud dash: Okay, I can do it!
After a while…
Finally, Cloud dash can fly!
Cloud dash: Mom, Dad look at me. I’m flying!
Rainbow dash: I know you can do it!
Soarin: Good girl! Good job!
Cloud dash “Blush”
Cloud dash: Oh Yeaaaaahhh!!!