Lemon has been married for years at this point to Blacklight. Yet she isn’t in a closed relationship with her and with her spouse’s approval the zesty mare bounds with one of the more peculiar new arrival in Jolly Bay: Cherry Turnover.
Sister to Strawberry and Raspberry, Cherry initially wanted to bring back her sisters to their abusive parents, but eventually came to realize just how bad they were.
Turns out Cherry was clearly victim of abuse just like her sisters and an unwanted foal. Born from two pegasus parents, Cherry was a earth pony and a disappointment to her neglectful parents. Just like Lemon was to her mother, a young white pegasus that had left her and her father and sister alone in their formative years to chase some handsome pegasus stallion in the sky.
So Cherry and Lemon bounded. And gifted the world a new little berry.
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