Original Description:
::OC:: Magic training
Oririus: oke Egobahn lets Practice your magic
Oririus : first lets do your fire magic
Egobahn is summoning fire
Oririus: great job Egobahn you did it
Oririus: oke now for the speed and shooting magic
is changing to yellow to perform the magic
Oririus: oke first give me a speed boost
Egobahn does a speed boost spell
- begins to run*
Oririus: it works nice job
Oririus: will skip the shooting magic for now
Oririus: lets do the shield
Oririus: we don’t need the healing for now
Egobahn is changing to green
Egobahn summons the shield
Oririus begin the laugh
Egobahn that a nice shield but i think a round one will work better
Programs i used:
-Paint tool sai
-Trust mouse
-Drawing tablet {Wacom}
Base by:
Mlp Base- Please do not make me laugh by MeiMisuki
Base was made by: