Original Description:
Hey guys!After working on my skins for a few months cough, I’m finally back with two skins for you!Firstly I created a small clock for all the Luna-fans out there. Based on the daytime, Luna is sleeping, idling or wide awake. I managed to create a decent background for the skin with rounded edges, and I’m pretty proud of this creation.Secondly I tried my hands on a webparser, parsing from the famous website “EquestriaDaily”, telling you the news directly on your desktop. By clicking on the different news-boxes you are also directly linked to the article at EQD. I also added a small button to minimize the news-parser, if you just want to see the newest post from EQD.On the other hand the parser is still WIP. From time to time you might spot some html-tags in the text, and as soon as a EQD-post has more than one picture in it, there is no text displayed. (I actually know why this happens, but there isn’t much I can do about it, I blame the data-structure of EQD.) So I might update this skin a few times in the future.Thanks to:
Shachza for the incredible nice looking sleeping Luna - fav.me/d4vqh8eFennrick for the idling Luna-Vector - fennrick.deviantart.com/art/Ve…TheOneWithTheOctaves for the S2 Finale Vector from Luna - theonewiththeoctaves.deviantar…MrDaviez for the “Raising the Moon”-Vector used in the parser - fav.me/d4pgh4yAnd a huge thanks to EQD to be our News-Hub (with horrible Data-structure in their html-code).UPDATE 1: Removed any debugging-commands: To clear up your data, you might want to delete the log.txt at C: /temp/
Thank you, DonKoopa!UPDATE 2: After EqD changed a lot of their Code, parts of the News-skin ceased to work (or better: they still worked as they should, but parsed the wrong lines.) I looked into that and fixed everything. At the moment I use an old version of Rainmeter to update, but it should work without any problems on newer versions. I’d apreciate it, if you would use the new version found via the download-button on the right.UPDATE 3: Ok, I finally managed to update Rainmeter, and now I can offer you an even better version, where all code should be gone. Thanks guys!Lauren Script Font - Copyright 1992 by Mike Allard for De Nada IndustriesMLP belongs to Hasbro and L.F.