Derpibooru’s My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic 10th Anniversary Art Event by Moon Flower, Page 3(20201108)
This is the third out of five pages of my timeline I created for Derpibooru’s My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic 10th Anniversary Art Event. It contains a rough timeline of Hasbro’s My Little Pony franchise mostly focusing on the fourth generation’s Friendship is Magic and my personal life connected with it.
It consists of mixed media, namely (coloured) pencil drawings, vectors, photography, screenshots, plushies put together in a big timeline collage. Some artworks are from official sources, others are done by me or third persons.
2016, continued
As follow-up I got into psychiatric day-care hospital where I started drawing. The first picture was a horse and the third one Fluttershy.
I also got sent to a psychotherapist I still visit nowadays where I learnt quite some stuff about myself including having depression creeping around since childhood. At some point I became Moon Flower on the net which marked a new beginning.
2017 January 02
My mum died, another big setback to me.
01 April 2017
C_ left a message on my Steam profile after he discovered me on “Super Hexagon”‘s game forums. He did because he noticed my profile picture being my Fluttershy drawing and so we got in touch due to My Little Pony.
2017 April 15
Equestria Daily live-streams “All Bottled Up”(S07E02). I meet Nyerguds on Fimfiction’s IRC where people discussed about the episode. Yet another new contact due to MLP.
25 May 2017
Nyerguds took the daring decision to turn my joke about visiting me into reality. Our first contact was extremely awkward to me but in the end I had a real close friend again after a long time.
2017 December 06
My Little Pony: The Movie
The one and only theatrical release of the main series which greatly expanded the MLP universe.