Original Description:
Anonymous Mon 29 Oct 2018 22:44:03 No.33106402 237
hot_to_trot.png, 151KiB, 1024x1024
>Be me (Catfood)
>Too early to go to bed
>‘Let’s see how /mlp/ is getting on’
>Greeted with picture of a jelly pony I drew years ago.This game isn’t even on the Play Store anymore, although you can get it from those dodgy sites that nick .apk’s. I think I gave her a name, but I can’t remember what it was. Anyway, I’d just got App Game Kit and this was pretty much the first thing I wrote with it, so it was blundering spaghetti code - there’s no drag and drop in AGK, it’s 100% hand-written code - a simple, rather old-fashioned version of BASIC. The results work pretty good though, only trouble is the interpreter makes the apps a little weighty.Then I wrote Shark Dating Simulator and put that on, Google didn’t see the funny side (even though it was tame as shit) and banned that account, so when I made a new one I didn’t bother to reupload Rainbow Laser Pudding Pony as it was a bit clonky and it had only been downloaded <100 times anyway.Still, nice to see her here. I drew a quick one of her for you. You guys still think pones in socks are sexiest pones, right?