Original Description:
Showing Their Growing AppreciationPoor Spike actually had some hope that this picnic would’ve been a nice break from the current weirdness going on in his life. For the past week, Twilight and the others have been more attentive in nature and have let the dragon go loose on his desires, resulting in the once chubby dragon turning into a complete butterball of a drake. Seeing his beloved Rarity cuddle up against him should fill him with glee but the fact that his thigh is bigger than her entire body does dampen his mood. With no end in sight, Spike is forced to lie back and watch as his friends continue to fill him up with an unimaginable amount of calories.Although he soon realizes that two are missing; Aj and Rainbow. A few minutes later he starts to see a cyan blob start to roll into his peripheral vision and hears small grunts of resistance. The stretched out cutie mark of a lightning bolt clears up what that blue blob is and gives him some comfort that he’s not going through this alone.A quasi-prequel to both my previous MLP pics of Spike and Rainbow being fattened up into large immobile blobs. This was a lot of fun to use and I have a sequence in the planning that’ll show Spke going from his normal weight to even more massive sizes than I’ve drawn. So stay tuned for that.