Well I did say I was going to do something different for the next page, and this is the result. It took me only three weeks to draw up these scenes, which I did either at home, or on my breaks at work. I really enjoyed doing it this way, and glad when the last two panels were finished within three weeks.
Now just to assure you, I’m not giving up on computer drawings, it’s mostly trains and comics that will be drawn by hand. Still, I had fun doing this comic page, and now, I’m looking forward to bringing out the next page. Stay tuned for that. ;)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic/Equestria Girls is copyright of Hasbro, DHX Media and all rightful owners.
A Shimmering Twilight is a fan-made comic made by: ThomasZoey3000 (me)
This page was completed on: March 24th 2023.