Attack on Night Light II - Episode 1 - Nightmare in Tokyo
Summary: Hayato Miyamoto and his four friends, Rina Nakajima, Daichi Suzuki, Kenji Watanabe and Akari Kikuchi, face danger in their hometown, Tokyo, when a giant stallion named Night Light causes destruction once more.
Hayato is a 28 year-old man with black hair who lives in Tokyo with his four friends, Rina Nakajima, Daichi Suzuki, Kenji Watanabe and Akari Kikuchi. Rina has brunette hair and Akari has light blonde hair, the other three males have the same color as Hayato. Rina is only one age older and the rest are the same age as Hayato.
“I’m just loving how we can all have a beautiful time together at your house.” Kenji told Hayato, appreciating the latter for inviting him and the others over to his house.
“With pleasure.” Hayato replied, drinking his bubble tea briefly before placing it back on the table. “Knowing you all since high school really makes me believe we will keep touch with each other forever.”
Akari took out her cellular phone, taking herself a selfie.
“That girl sure does love doing selfies all the time.” Daichi commented about Akari taking selfies as her favorite hobby, which she has been doing since high school.
“Wonder if she’s actually trying to become a fashion model.” Kenji told Daichi, knowing Akari would look so important as a fashion model for the public. “I’m telling you, she’s been getting this sassy.”
Akari heard them, however, and protested, “How many times have I told you not to say that?!”
Daichi and Kenji just could not help themselves except laugh at the fact that it is true Akari is useful being a fashion model despite being a news reporter. “Girl, you know we aren’t lying.” Kenji said, banging his fist on his pants.
Still, Akari didn’t approve this silly attitude from either one of the two men. That’s when her best friend, Rina, stepped in to defend her.
“Back it up, boys!” Rina warned Kenji and Daichi, threatening to slap them if they did not stop annoying Akari. “Otherwise, it’ll be a slap into those two faces!”
“What business puts you into this, huh?” Daichi asked Rina, wondering why Rina is not minding her own business. “Let me tell you something, girl! She’s always acting like she’s posing for a movie in Tokyo!”
“Okay, that’s enough.” Hayato broke up the argument between his friends, and suggested they would stop talking about that any further.
All of Hayato’s friends apologized and they dropped the topic about Akari.
Later, it was afternoon, and currently the time was 1:04. Akari was putting on lipstick on her red lips in the mirror inside the bathroom. Rina, Daichi and Kenji have been doing karate as practice despite the fact they’ve been learning this very hard since high school. And lastly, Hayato was upstairs in his room playing on the Nintendo Switch, where he has multiple friends, even outside his country.
“Someday, we kick like some tough people in a real karate class!” Daichi told Kenji, watching his leg and feet kick in the air properly. “My father’s been telling me: When you grow older, you must learn karate alone and someday in the future, you’ll master it!”
“My, my, my.” Kenji replied, hearing what Daichi had told him about mastering karate when he grows up. “Sounds like you do good with karate even in class.” He said.
“Of course.” Daichi replied, still focusing on his skills in kicking with a great timing.
Rina, however, tried karate in her own way, and she swung her feet around it, which nearly hit the two men unexpectedly. “Oops, my bad.” She apologized, not knowing where she should be doing karate.
“Maybe we all should give each other space and this’ll might easier for us.” Kenji suggested, as being apart from each other can help them do karate much better and they don’t gotta worry about accidentally hitting and kicking each other while practicing karate.
And so, the three backed away from each other, and they resumed what they were doing.
Meanwhile, Akari was looking at herself in the mirror, placing both hands behind her long hair and took out her cellular phone so she can get a photo believing she’s dressed beautiful enough for one selfie.
“I wonder how the others are doing.” Akari said as she finished taking her selfie and went upstairs to go check in on Hayato in his room.
In Hayato’s room, he was currently texting his friend, Michael, from the United States, on his cellular phone. However, he heard a knock on the door, and he stopped for a sec and go towards the door. When he opened it, he was surprised it was Akari at the door, who wanted to check in on him and see how he was doing.
“Hey, everything’s alright?” Akari asked Michael just as she noticed him having his phone on his bed. “Are you texting somebody…?” She walked towards his bed and picked it up.
“Why yes, I’m texting one of my friends from the United States.” Hayato told Akari as he seemed like he wanted a competition on the Switch. “I plan on having an online match with Michael for Kart 8 Deluxe.”
“Again?!” Akari looked at Hayato with a glare on her face. “You already had challenged him three times, and you’ve beaten him only once, and still wanna keep facing him? You’ll end up losing again, boy.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Hayato disagreed with what Akari said, knowing losing is not an option. “For the next one, we’re going head-to-head with each other this night!”
Akari couldn’t decide whether she should agree with Hayato said or just let it go. Nevertheless, she walked away with an answer not decided, leaving Hayato doing whatever he needs.
“Hmph, there she goes…” Hayato uttered, not liking it when Akari gets disapproval over him losing a match with his friends on the Nintendo Switch.
At evening, Hayato’s friends have been bored and just did nothing except sit on the couch and look at the window, knowing that nighttime will be arriving close. Currently, the time was 7:57, and they have been wondering what they should do while they are bored.
“Do you believe the moon can turn anyone the opposite of good?” Rina asked her friends, believing the moon has something to do with people’s personality.
Daichi, Kenji and Akari all laughed at Rina’s question. “Definitely not.” Daichi shook his head with a no, thinking that Rina is just making things up, though it could be possible that she might be having a point.
“The moon doesn’t exactly make someone behave bad and go straight for the dark side.” Akari told Rina and, although her name means light, she does understand the difference between light and dark, which does matter. “When you simply take a look at the moon, even if it’s not full, it doesn’t have an effect on anyone’s personality.”
“I always get nervous when I look at the moon.” Rina said, feeling that the moon can do something terrible towards someone. She eventually looked worried as she felt like tonight would not be the night she would expect.
“But like she said, the moon does no harm.” Kenji was one-hundred percent confident that the moon never hurts anyone, and that it will not change anyone’s personality.
Rina somehow understand this, but she still was nervous about the night.
“You just acting like the night’s gonna be the end when it isn’t.” Daichi comforted Rina, reminding her that a moon is just a moon.
“Come on, trust us, please?” Akari wanted her best friend on the same page as her and the rest. “If you don’t trust in what we say, then you will end up looking at the moon every six nights, as that’s not good at all.”
“Um, I guess you are right…” Rina regained her confidence and finally agreed with what her friends have been telling her.
It was now nighttime, and the clock was 9:00. Hayato was still in his room, and he put the online match on delay because he would be doing some other things with his friends who are in the basement.
“Michael, we gotta do the online game match another time.” Hayato texted his friend, Michael, on his cellular phone as he walked down the stairs.
When Hayato came downstairs, he saw all his friends just sitting on the couch, doing nothing aside from feeling bored. “Why the gloomy face?” He asked, knowing how much that his friends have been doing absolutely nothing in the past hour or so at this very moment.
“There’s nothing else interesting we can do right now, Hayato.” Daichi told Hayato as he wished he was at his house right now.
“I’ve been bored and only been focusing on the dark sky.” Rina said, still taking a look out the window.
Noticing how dull and restless his friends are, Hayato ran upstairs into the kitchen and decided to serve some bubble tea for his friends. “Hey, how about bubble tea that can cheer you all up?” He offered some bubble tea so his friends may feel a bit more relaxed.
“Oh, thanks!” Akari giggled, taking the bubble tea from Hayato and took a sip on the drink.
The other three also took the bubble tea and began drinking it, too. “You know, this reminds me of ice cream.” Kenji compared the drink with ice cream because it is sweet.
“Anything from a smart and brave man like me can be so helpful!” Hayato had a huge smile on his face, being generous how he can help his friends out whenever they are sad, upset, and even other things. “I guess I should drink some bubble tea myself. After all, I’m kinda thirsty as the rest of you are.”
Hayato and his four friends enjoyed drinking the bubble tea he was serving for everyone. However, while they were drinking the bubble tea, somebody was knocking on the door, so Hayato placed his drink on the table and see who it was.
“Please, you gotta come outside and help outside! This is an emergency!” The old man told Hayato, as something bad was happening in Tokyo during this late at night. “A giant unicorn has been attacking the city and he’s destroying multiple things and has killed some of the citizens, too.”
“What? A giant pony is attacking our city?!” Daichi looked shocked, overhearing the news the old man was bringing up to them.
“This isn’t good, and we better act fast, or things are gonna get worse if we don’t do something.” Akari said, as she stopped drinking her bubble tea and it was time for a plan immediately.
Back with Hayato, he gave the old man advice, telling him, “Okay. Me and my friends are gonna search for this giant unicorn stallion. You must go hide somewhere safe so that this monster doesn’t find you.”
“But I’ve been looking for a hiding spot all over this city, and not a single one was safe from this unicorn’s destruction!” The old man complained.
“Don’t worry, I will help you on that part.” Hayato told the old man, offering him his help. Hayato and his four friends then rushed upstairs and grabbed katanas so they could fight the evil stallion who’s been attacking Tokyo.
Before Hayato could go with his friends, he told them, “Everyone, go and find the pony attacking the city while I go help this old man have a safe hiding spot. I will catch up with you all when I’m finished.”
“Don’t take too long.” Rina warned Hayato, as she didn’t want him arriving very late.
“Alright, let’s go!” Daichi and the others stormed out the house and search for the massive-sized unicorn terrorizing Tokyo and the residents who live within the city.
Hayato took the old man with him and closed the door behind them so he can help the latter get a safety place to hide during this rampage. Minutes later, he took him to the Docomo Tower.
“Don’t leave this building, alright?” Hayato told the old man as he as went back and catch up with his friends.
The old man kept his promise that he would not leave the building while danger is happening right now and waved goodbye at Hayato, appreciating him for helping him find a safe spot during the giant unicorn’s rampage.
Meanwhile, Daichi, Kenji, Akari and Rina have been running down the streets and track down the unicorn that the old man has told them.
“When we find this enormous unicorn, he’s gonna pay for what he has done!” Akari was angry over the giant monster harming towards her city and perhaps wiping out people that she might have been known in the past. Daichi, Kenji and Akari’s best friend, Rina, felt the same way as she was, and they share the same objective.
“Yeah! We’ll teach him that destroying our city is not right!” Kenji let out his anger for the terror occurring in his city.
This unicorn was attacking the city where the nearby Rainbow Bridge lies with Tokyo Bay. People have been fleeing from this giant unicorn stallion’s rampage, as he continued his destruction throughout the city, firing big magic blasts at buildings, crushing vehicles below his huge hooves and saw residents screaming while nothing could save them at this time.
“Run like the pathetic insects you are, you still can’t escape from my wrath!” Night Light laughed evilly towards the tinies, knowing how pathetic running is from him. They didn’t realize that he was more stronger since the last time, and his powers have increased.
Night Light was so happy that destroying everything is his hobby. And even if the police and military stood in his way, they weren’t enough to stop his huge destruction.
And speaking of it, the Japan Self-Defense Forces arrived, with five tanks pulling up. Mr. Yoshida, who leads all the marines, jumped out from the tank that was the closest towards Night Light.
“You, Night Light! We suggest you stop what you are doing and surrender now, or we will do it the hard way if you refuse.” Mr. Yoshida warned Night Light that he will capture him forcefully if he didn’t comply. “You’ve got within 60 seconds to leave the citizens alone, otherwise, we’re gonna start shooting!”
“How lucky for someone like you knowing my name correctly.” Night Light appreciated the marine for addressing him correctly. “Unfortunately, if you honestly think I’m gonna surrender that easy, guess again. You don’t know how much I’ve terrorizing this city so far!”
Night Light soon fired a blast at Mr. Yoshida and his fellow marines.
“Watch out!” Mr. Yoshida warned his fellow teammates, and they quickly jumped out the way before the blast could hit him and the others. However, the two tanks were destroyed in the process.
“Start firing at him!” Mr. Ichikawa shouted as the other marines hopped back into the remaining three tanks and fired blasts at Night Light, but none of them worked on him at all due to his massive size, and that his powers have increased immensely.
“Use the guns right now!” Mr. Yoshida told his entire team serving the JSDF military team. All pulled out the guns, using it on Night Light after the tanks didn’t work. Still, that didn’t work either, and the marines would not back down from this fight that is getting intense at this time. “C’mon, we gotta think of another idea, fast!”
“I’m afraid that won’t be happening.” Night Light reminded the marines that the bullets didn’t even do one damage on him at all. So, he came up with an idea: eradicate the marines.
Night Light was enjoying himself and levitated Mr. Yoshida’s fellow teammates into the air and bringing them closer towards him, and forced Mr. Yoshida to watch and see his teammates die before him.
“Put them down, you big brute!” Mr. Yoshida yelled and stood up on his legs but Night Light levitated him, throwing him back onto one of the tanks that was destroyed a few minutes ago.
One at a time, Night Light destroyed Mr. Yoshida’s entire crew, turned into dust, leaving Mr. Yoshida horrified at this.
Mr. Yoshida again got back up looking very upset at what Night Light has done to his entire team. “I’m gonna make you pay… for killing all my teammates!” He let out a war cry before running towards Night Light, who wanted him to try and lay a hit on him.
“Leave him alone!” A voice called from nearby, making Night Light wondering who just said that.
When Night Light turned around, he noticed Daisuke, Kenji, Akari and Rina are behind him, ready for a challenge. “Oh, look who has arrived late for the party.” Night Light said, congratulating Hayato’s friends for coming late. “If you haven’t noticed, I’ve killed several people and they are still running from my huge destruction.”
“Enough talk, big guy!” Akari told Night Light, who rushed at him with her katana, and the other three followed her.
“Alright, try and handle this on for size!” Night Light fired a magic blast at the heroes, although Akari blocked the attack with her katana, going straight back towards Night Light, but he swung the blast towards another direction.
“You leave these people alone!” Hayato called out from behind his friends, arriving somewhat early.
Hayato’s friends are surprised that Hayato has made it. Now that he is with his friends, they combined their katanas together and perform a magical attack on Night Light, hoping it will work.
“As long as we are together, this is gonna finish you off for good!” Hayato and his friends all said at once at the same time, unleashing the magic coming from the katanas.
Hayato and his friends all watched the magic getting bigger as it was surrounding Night Light, knowing it will defeat him at least, therefore they would finally get the victory and have freedom back once again.
The magic exploded, and Hayato and his friends, and Mr. Yoshida stepped back from this.
“Yes, it worked.” Rina jumped with excitement, seeing the large magic defeat Night Light for good.
However, seconds later, it turns out that Night Light survived this and the magic didn’t do anything on him at all, leaving everyone shocked. “Did you really believe that attack was powerful enough to stop me?” He asked Hayato’s friends, disappointed in them that the attack was useless against him.
“H-how…?” Daichi looked shocked that his plan ended in failure despite the good effort he and his friends have put through just now. “How is this even possible?!”
Night Light proved too powerful for the humans and just like how he imagined before and even now, that everything cannot stop him, no matter how big he is.
“Tremble in fear because I am the most dangerous stallion you all have ever met.” Night Light told the tinies before letting a loud roar, which the tinies couldn’t even handle, and buildings received windows cracked, same thing happening with cars and other vehicles.
“I’ve never experienced a nightmare like this terrible in my hometown at all!” Hayato said, calling the fight against Night Light as the most shocking nightmare in his whole life.
“This monster has been getting away with so much destruction.” Daichi was fed up with Night Light being so capable destroying everything he wants.
Suddenly, Night Light’s horn was glowing, preparing a super attack. When his magic was full, he fired it at the Rainbow Bridge where the survivors are trying to escape. When the blast hit the bridge, survivors who got caught fell into the water.
“So long, you pathetic tinies.” Night Light put Hayato and friends alongside Mr. Yoshida under a sleeping spell so they don’t wake up for while, and then he commenced his walk, leaving huge hoof prints behind, even on vehicles and buildings he stomped on and enjoyed the fun he has had.
Minutes later, Hayato, Akari, Rina, Daichi, Kenji, Mr. Yoshida and other surviving residents woke up from sleeping, but they soon realized that Night Light was gone though he still appeared somewhere further away within the city.
“He got away!” Mr. Yoshida said, as the giant unicorn stallion disappeared while he was under his sleeping spell. “I’ll get him next time!”
“Well, there’s nothing we can do about it.” Hayato told Mr. Yoshida, as they can’t search for Night Light right now at this moment.
“This is one nightmare we all don’t wanna ever forget.” Daichi told his friends, as Night Light has been nothing but a cruel stallion who just destroys everything and shows hatred towards humans.
However, Hayato had this feeling that he was reminded for what happened in the United States before. “Um, I believe I just noticed.” He told his friends.
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Kenji asked Hayato, knowing how curious the latter was over Night Light’s terror happening in one country before Japan.
“Night Light previously attacked San Francisco and Chicago and they’ve had nightmares just like how we are having now.” Hayato explained to his friends, comparing how similar the United States and Japan have been attacked by Night Light.
“I just wish we could get out of this city.” Akari said, not feeling like her hometown is safe anymore. “We gotta live in another city for now until this is over…”
“Don’t worry, I got an idea.” Hayato snapped his finger, which magically opened a portal that could take them to another city.
Hayato’s friends and Mr. Yoshida looked kinda surprised that Hayato could do this. “Where will this portal take us, Hayato?” Rina asked Hayato, wondering which different city they will end up in once they go through the portal.
“We will be in Yokohama, I promise.” Hayato told his friends and Mr. Yoshida, as he walked through the portal, and his friends and Mr. Yoshida soon followed him.
While Night Light continues his havoc elsewhere in Tokyo, Hayato and the others go through a portal that will end up having them in Yokohama and they all must prepare themselves for the next battle against this gigantic stallion when they see him again.