From recent dream in my anthro MLP dreamscape. At the moment I don’t know if it will be a one-shot dream or whether there will be more in the future. I think Petina would like to see more episodes of it.
In this dream the Royal Sisters have abdicated roles as Co-Rulers of Equestria to Twilight Sparkle. With lots of spare time on their hands the sisters have started picking up various hobbies, pastimes, and jobs to keep them occupied. Having heard that Sweet Apple Acres is hiring farm hands for the summer growing season and autumn harvest, Celestia has decided to apply for a job at the farm.
Celestia found out about the job offerings from Rarity and Petina. Upon expressing interesting in applying for a job there the 2 mares informed Celly of the importance having the right outfit for the job. So they set up the alicorn with some new threads. Here’s hoping Celestia nails the interview.