Drew a bunch of stuff while I was gone, but was sick of not improving to what I wanted and hence I didn’t complete and upload them (I want each piece to have a distinct improvement in my eyes):
My lines were too neat and tidy. Once upon a time I tried vehemently to learn how to make super clean line art, but that takes away from the art style I’m going for. Sometimes, messy (er) is best. Also, using lines to double as super hard shadows is a neat trick.
Eyes and eyelashes still looked off. They were alright, but they didn’t look distinctly anime, which was my goal. Worked out some guidelines in a study to draw them better.
Colouring was too soft - My shadows tended to be blurred all the time, which is not how they actually work. Needed some harder boundaries on the shadows and highlights, particularly on the legs and the arms.
Hair is still a work in progress, but I think its a gradual thing that will get and is getting better with each piece I do. Slowly but surely, the randomness will straighten out.
So after spending a bunch of time drawing other stuff in frustration, I gave up and did a huge face and colouring study once and for all until I finally got what I wanted, and the result is this. I think this is a great improvement, and of course, I’ll get better with time as I draw more.