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Page 1771 - Creature Presentation
19th Nov 2022, 6:00 AM in What About Discord?
I’m actually in kind of a similar spot to Fluttershy here lately. I don’t watch much TV or movies, but I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts that watch and discuss TV and movies, and that’s strangely satisfying for me when it’s something I probably wouldn’t want to sit down and watch in full anyway.
(For those curious about my listening habits, ordered by increasing density of content warnings: From Rewatch With Love (James Bond), Bizarre Podcast: Dogs Must Die (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure), and Great and Terrible AHS (American Horror Story).)
Notice: Guest comic submissions are open! Guidelines here. Deadline: February 20th.
Fluttershy: Sorry, I tend to kind of avoid… scary movies…
Applejack: Well, it’s more of a comedy… ^Though undeniably there’s some spooky ‘n’ questionable bits…
Rarity: What if we put together some clips for you? Just the witty bits that form most of the reference pool.
Fluttershy: Really? Do you think that would work? No one’s ever offered to do that for me before…!
Rarity: Worth a shot, I say!
Twilight Sparkle: I can help with the editing!
DM: I’m actually all in favor of this idea, but… *<ahem>*
Twilight Sparkle: Rrright. Uh– “Tirek! IF you give back all the magic you stole now, I believe we can reach an accord!”
Tirek: Hmph. Either you’re bluffing, or you’ve got aces tucked under your wings. Either way, I’ll call.
Twilight Sparkle: Worth a shot. All in?
Tirek: *All. In.*
Discord: <sigh> I remember when *I* was the one trading barbs with the charismatic villain…
DM: You already got a three-course meal of ham; you’re fine.