Original Description:
This was originally drawn on Feb. 21, 2021 and it was the last thing I drew for a while. It’s Princess Celestia looking at her sister in the moon high above the Ruins of their old castle. Originally this was going to be dedicated to Jeremy Bulloch and David Prowse who both left us in 2020, but I think it would be more appropriate to dedicate this to anyone who has left our lives for one reason or another.
I don’t know the original reason I drew this, but to me it brings a sense of nostalgia. People and things are constantly changing in our lives, and every so often we wish things would go back to the way there were in a previous time. Deep down, though, we know things can never be exactly the same as they once were and so we must embrace the changes in our lives. I think this picture illustrates that feeling very well, in more ways than one.