Original Description:
Woo wee, this was a difficult piece to make! Making landscapes like these is something else entirely. I decided to draw this little piece for a christmas contest not too long ago, and I thought I’d share it with you. Despite being made at the last second (as I usually do), it was actually a lot of fun to make! Though, shading snow has got to be the more challenging bits of the piece, I admit.
Useful Links
Youtube(https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS975vU-mrY-61mW9U_LLnA) - (Where my main project(s) are at!)
DeviantART(https://www.deviantart.com/thebig44) - (Place where I also post art)
Discord(https://discordapp.com/invite/qpv4aQY) - (My personal server!)
Soundcloud(https://soundcloud.com/crusaderknight) - (Where I upload my music and soundtrack for MLT.)