Original Description:
15.ai skit will happen soon™ (when 15.ai comes back online)
- TWILIGHT: This is ridiculous, how have I not been able to win even a single game?
- SUNSET [ROBOTIC VOICE]: You challenged your robot horsewife to a game of chess, what did you expect was gonna happen?
- TWILIGHT: Come on, it’s not like I’m that bad at chess.
- SUNSET: Really? Because I’m pretty sure you just sacrificed your queen to capture a bishop in that last game, Twi. Doesn’t sound like a game-winning move.
- TWILIGHT: [flustered] Miscalculations can happen!
- SUNSET: You know, the funniest thing is that that’s not even your biggest oversight here.
- TWILIGHT: Oversight? What do you mean?
- SUNSET: No no, you’ll figure it out.
- TWILIGHT: I just don’t get it. A score of 7-0 is suspiciously good. And you don’t even hesitate with your moves! It’s like I’m playing against a comp…u…ter…
[long silence]
- SUNSET: I believe this is what we in the business call “giving yourself a competitive disadvantage”.
- TWILIGHT: You ass.
- SUNSET: I know.
[long silence]
- SUNSET: Rematch?
- TWILIGHT: Rematch.
Models used:
- Sunset Shimmer head and Twilight Sparkle (NSFW warning)
- Sunset Shimmer body
- Sci-Twi hair
- Twilight’s jacket and jeans (NSFW warning) [*]
- Sunset’s tanktop and shorts (Patreon link, NSFW warning)
- Boots (private model)
- Chessboard and chess pieces
- Blackboard
- Chairs and table