Original Description:
15.ai skit will happen soon™ (when 15.ai comes back online)
- SUNSET [ROBOTIC VOICE]: Listen, I’m sure you could have come up with something more elegant for charging than shoving a USB cable in my mouth. This feels like a very Apple thing to do.
- TWILIGHT: It was just how the spell ended up. I was going to put it onto one of your hands, but then you’d only have one free hand while charging.
- SUNSET: [unplugs charging cable] Wouldn’t wireless charging be an option?
- TWILIGHT: Yes and no – it would work, but it would require a separate apparatus you’d have to sit next to in order to charge; and imagine the size it would have to be.
- SUNSET: …Right. Any other options?
- TWILIGHT: Well… there was one other option for charging cable placement, but uh… it would have required you to pull your pants down to charge.
- [long silence]
- SUNSET: [re-inserts charging cable] …I think I’ll stick with the deepthroated cable, thanks.
Models used:
- Sunset Shimmer head and Twilight Sparkle (NSFW warning)
- Sunset Shimmer body
- Sci-Twi hair
- Twilight’s jeans (NSFW warning) [*]
- Twilight’s shirt
- Sunset’s tanktop and shorts (Patreon link, NSFW warning)
- Boots (private model)
- USB cable
- Wall and floor
- Curtain
- Amplifier
- Coffee table [**]
- Couch, fruit bowl and TV remote
- iPhone
- Xbox 360 controllers
- Skydome
- Paintings from TF2