Original Description:
Ah, love. As a Princess, it can be a wild ride- especially when your parents are literally known for their relationship’s part in saving not only Canterlot from the Changelings but the Crystal Empire from Sombra and one of the first born alicorns in Equestria rather than someone being made one.
Sure, Flurry Heart has a crush- but despite both being royalty, she still finds her completely out of her league. On the other side of the spectrum, a colt of has a crush on HER- the well-known Prince Rosé Red, son of Prince Blueblood. Long story short… He’s quite like his father, and seeing as there’s a Princess around his age that just so happens to be single? Well, of course high-class colts from everywhere are going to want a chance to get even higher class. An unfortunate reality, but one that Flurry Heart has had no choice but to get used to.