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Page 1734 - Operational Subjective
25th Aug 2022, 6:00 AM in What About Discord?
Yeah, sorry, I’m still having way too much fun writing two malevolent megalomaniacs pushing and scheming back and forth. Heroes? What are those?
Tirek: You kept this a secret from me, giving them more time to come up with a counterattack using all that power! All so you could play “chicken” with our alliance! You have jeopardized our mission, Discord!
Discord: “Our” mission, Tirek? Before I recruited you out of that back alley, it was MY mission. I explained my situation in full at the beginning. The Elements of Harmony were teh true objective from the start. Yes, you had a cute little warm-up objective to take the sisters out of play and conquer Canterlot, but the REAL fight starts now. If you don’t take out all of the Elements and disable their magic, I turn completely to stone. I would never jeopardize the mission when the stakes are that high, Tirek. But if I trusted you sight-unseen, YOU would have jeopardized MINE.
DM: Tirek growls at the mural, but he seems to accept your logic. …“Logic.”
Discord GM: Hey, being a god of chaos doesn’t mean I can’t be cold and calculating.
Tirek: Very well. If you’ve thought this far ahead, then what is the next step, trickster?
Discord: Oh, you flatterer. I am SO glad you asked!