Original Description:
Artist’s note:
I started watching mlp back in 2012 when I was 9. The Russian dub was airing for the first time on our local tv, and I hadn’t even started learning English yet. Fluttercord was the first pairing I was really rooting for.
I’m kinda grown up now. I went to university to study languages and with a team of friends did fan translations of official comics for the Russian-speaking folk. I keep doing them to this day with every comic issue that comes out.
It broke my heart when I saw Discord like this. And yeah, the comic was hinting at what happened to the ponies that were dear to his heart.
For me, G4 is bittersweet now. It’s like a part of my childhood that I won’t give up. It’s like both what I have to move on from and what I have to carry with me through my whole life. So for me, it’s not just the 12th anniversary of the series, it’s the 10th anniversary of how mlp has become an important part of my life.
I view mlp as a progression over the years, as characters who have grown up alongside me. Some of them are already canonically deceased. And for me, Discord is the only meaningful connections between G4 and G5.
Happy anniversary, pals