Original Description:
From DA
This is a piece that was already planned and started a long while ago. I’m gonna go ahead and upload some of it now because of my situation while I’m trying to balance everything else so I don’t burn out from trying to do so much at once.
In Tiara’s room, Silver and Diamond were discussing how humans were ending up in Equestria as micros and ending up directly inside the houses or living areas of various different Equestrians ranging from heroes, civilians, and villians. It was only supposed to be bronies that would end up in this Equestria, but Lyra secretly goofed up Twilight’s spell which caused them to bring the more unfamiliar humans there instead and very little bronies. This forces these humans into hiding from their sight in a world they’re unfamiliar with. The two children already knew about all of this and they actively look for the shrunken humans inside of their homes to capture them and do who knows what to them. One such tiny human is doing his best to stay hidden and hoping they don’t pick the book up. Most Equestrians won’t hurt them…some will, these two won’t thankfully.
Silver discussed an idea with Diamond. The idea is to go directly to the human world and catch one at their normal height. Diamond opposed the idea of invading the human world to abduct one, but gave in after finding out that this particular human they’re after has been there before as a micro and made it safely back thanks to Twilight. They want an adult to boss around and unfortunately for the adult, Diamond and Silver possess incredible strength as Earth ponies so the human, no matter his strength, won’t be able to do much fighting back which is why they’re going themselves instead of sending their servants after them. Their parents are ok with this. The girls are rich and can just have their own team of engineers and scientist install a high tech portal to that world and be done, but they would rather trick Twilight into letting them use hers for the fun of it by promising her several high quality body pillows of Celestia as an exchange for using it.