Original Description:
Originally posted on: September 9, 2011 at 1:16 AM UTC
MLP characters lineart study
Hi, friends !
well, weeks ago I upload in my galery a few basic sketches of a MLP fan work project
In this scale , you can see the the main character of this project with their lineart.
Ok, let’s the explanation
in the model our can see the six main ponie heroines:
Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy
after their our have the models of Spike, Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna and a basic model of the pegasus royal guard
The three new ponies are a spacial creation mine for this work:
Thunderchild, the eletric unicorn
Icebreaker, the frost pegasus
Fireworker, the flame mare
They are “The Fabulous Tri-Sis”
This trio of sisters will help Princess Luna( for her tough luck ….)
Finally, what would be the heroes without villains, is not it?
This demon ram is Grogar, the lord of Darkness of ancient Tambelon city
behind him, see his servant, Bray, the donkey and the new Grogar’s particular sorceress, the great and powerfull Trixie
as also have the model of commander in chief of Tambelon’s army, the commander Hammer Horn and basic model of the goats soldiers and elite soldiers of Grogar’s army
How I explain in the first model, Grogar and Bray are characters of the 80’s original series and, I belive that can be a good idea make a “remake” of some old ideas
Soom I will upload the the color version of this model and more some studies of this idea
MLP and friendship is magic characters belong to Hasbro and fyre-flye
Thunderchild, Icebreaker, Fireworker and Hammer Horm is OC of animewave