Original Description:
David Starlyre became the captain of a girls’ soccer team (the Lyres), and Blazey Blue became the captain of a boys’ soccer team (the Fireballs). It began as a friendly rivalry, but Blaze started to tease Starlyre a little too much, in the name of intimidation. An evil secretary started writing fake letters and pulling fake pranks in the names of the two captains. The two fell for the trick, and they started to get enraged at each other. Their fight escalated, and the anger started to spread to their teams.
Ironically, the two captains were starting to act a little sexist – against their own sexes! During the big championship game, the two got into a very big fight. The soccer players tested how rough they could be to each other before referees would step in. Finally, the fight triggered a massive riot in the stands – ultimately destroying the stadium.
Both teams got disqualified, which would have given the championship to third place (the Slashers). But then the evil secretary got caught. And it turned out that she was a fan of the Slashers, and had hoped to get Starlyre and Blaze disqualified for poor sportsmanship. In light of these events, the championship got canceled. No charges were pressed against the Slashers, since no evidence suggested that any official member had knowledge of the conspiracy. Even so, the Slashers already had a nasty reputation for bad sportsmanship, and the controversy caused them a great blow to their sponsorships and merchandise.
Starlyre and Blaze do not blame the secretary for their own failings as people. They recognize that they should have tried to de-escalate the situation. Then they both would have realized that someone was pulling an evil joke on them. Starlyre and Blaze never want a competition to come between them again. Losing their goodwill for each other was the greatest loss of all.
The members of the two teams feel the same way. They wish to celebrate each other’s accomplishments, share with one another, and not get jealous. It will take time to mend their hurt feelings. But as long as they wish to lift each other up, they know they will find a way. The executives of the soccer league are now rethinking their own policies.