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Page 1707 - Illusion of Safety
23rd Jun 2022, 6:00 AM in What About Discord?
You know me, I love taking a scene from the show and turning the context 180 degrees. “What if, instead of Tirek smooth-talking Discord out of trouble, the pressure was on Discord to convince Tirek to join him?”
That, and I can’t not use the harp bit. You expect me to just not use the harp bit??
Tirek: If you’re not going to pretend to give me a choice, then I won’t pretend I have one. I will do as you ask, Discord. What is your plan of attack to undermine all these ponies?
Discord: Right now, they all think harmony has been restored. While we have the element of surprise, I’ll teleport you around and trap ponies to get you up to fighting shape!
Tirek: Even though you’ve clearly just escaped because there’s no statue, so they’ll all be on high alert?
Discord: I never claimed it was a foolproof plan.