Original Description:
It was back in 2019, prior to the pandemic, that I last did any chalk drawing, but last weekend’s GalaCon 2022 at long last offered a good opportunity to do some chalk drawing again.
It was awesome how many other bronies brought chalk along and drew in front of the vendor hall, the forum in Ludwigsburg. This year there were more chalk drawings than ever before and I hope that many of the brilliant artists who created some absolutely mind-boggling beautiful images are going to upload there art too. In the end I counted 119 chalk drawings, but in fact one might count more for I was counting groups that clearly belongted together as one drawing rather than counting each pony / parasprite / other creature individually ;)
My first drawing there was a Scootaloo in Wonderbolt uniform with artificial wings allowing her to fly. On the one hand this was meant to be a tribute to Luisa Wietzorek, the German voice actor of Scootaloo who attended the GalaCon. Apart from that I thought the motive fitted well to the Make-a-wish-foundation, the recipient of this years charity auction funds (they aim to raise funds to fulfill the wishes of children with critical illnesses).
This picture was taken with a color intensifying filter, there is another version taken with a regular filter.