Community Collab Image 2024 This year's collab has begun! Post your submissions here


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Original Description:
Soooo, info first and story later! :dummy: These two (wonderful!) ponies were designed and gifted to me by my friend EnderGurl22 and, like I did in the past for OCs that were gifted to me, I figured writing a little story about them moving to my AU from their previous one was the best way to introduce them into my AU. In this case, it’s a diplomatic mission.
You’ll find out more about this in the story, so I’ll just anticipate Admira (on the left) and Berry (on the right) are going to become official Ambassadors for their homeland (Transilmaneia, one of Ender’s AUs) in Lennyland. :dummy:
Hope you like the drawing and/or the story! Based on inspiration and feedback, I might upload more of these story+drawing-based-on-the-story pairings in the future :)  
Also can I just say, for once I’m actually proud of the background! :love: And other small details too, like the decorations on the chest and the puffs of steam.
The two bat ponies were now walking in wrist-deep snow only, which meant two things. The first: they no longer had to worry about keeping their wings open and above their shoulders, so that they wouldn’t get wet. The second: they were going the right way. Or at least, that was what Admira Van Aspen hoped.
But yes, of course they were! She had been consulting every existing map in preparation of that journey. Which weren’t all that many, to be honest, so finding them had been a rather short research. Apparently, not many of her species had attempted that route before her, but she wouldn’t let that thought undermine her determination: as long as she believed in herself, it would all be fi-
  • Are you sure we are going the right way?
    Admira exhaled noisily.
  • Secretary Boysenberry, what did I tell you about unnecessary comments? Either you have some concrete advice to give me, or you don’t bother me while I’m trying to walk a straight line.
  • Oh, I’m… I’m sorry, Honorable Van Aspen. It’s just… after that frozen river we crossed, we haven’t seen anything but rocks, snow, snow-covered rocks, rock-pierced snow, faraway rocks with snow on top of it, pieces of snow without rocks, pieces of rocks without snow…
  • Hmnnng, Berry!
  • I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I’ll keep my mouth shut…
  • And I already told you, you don’t have to call me Honorable Van Aspen when it’s just you and me, it gets on my nerves. I mean, come on! We grew up together!
  • I… Sorry, Mira.
    The mare pitied her companion. She knew he was following her in that adventure more in the name of his long-lasting affection towards her rather than out of a mere sense of duty. She sighed and turned to watch him. He was trying to catch a snowflake with his tongue.
  • Would you like me to carry the chest for a little while?
  • Oh. No, thanks. Don’t worry, I can handle it.
  • Alright then. Just let me know when you need me to take over, ok?
  • Alrighty.
    Although boring, walking in that monotone landscape allowed her mind to roam freely. She recalled the day the letter arrived, her heart skipping a beat when she recognized the seal. A letter from Count Darkula! Most bat ponies didn’t even get to see him over the course of their entire lives. She knew colts who would give up their supplies of hay just to meet him in person. And now she was holding a paper he had written, with his own hoof.
    “To the attention of Miss Van Aspen…”
    She almost dropped it as she unrolled the parchment, unveiling rows of sharp signs. The Count had a spiky writing, all peaks and spears, she noticed amidst the commotion.
    “…to inform you of a new, upcoming project that will surely be beneficial to our land…”
  • “…Transilmaneia needs a network of tight communication with its neighboring countries. It will help us understand them better, establish good relations, trade with them and possibly exchange knowledge with them. For this reason, I am negotiating the creation of nine new Embassies and am currently looking for the right ponies to run those Embassies…”*
    “…as you will understand, naturally, this is a task of utmost responsibility. It requires tact, open-mindedness, reliability and flexibility to adapt to a whole new society, with its own costumes, rules, traditions…”
    “…your career in the field of international relations has been brought to my attention and, admittedly, it is remarkable, considering your age…”
    “…and also, as I understand, you have previously expressed your desire and willingness to move to another country, as an opportunity to expand your horizons and enrichen yourself. For these reasons, I’m offering you (and a trusted person of your choice) the chance to become an official Ambassador of Transilmaneia…”
    “…if you chose to accept the task, please notify me via letter to the Castle within four days upon receiving this note. The region you would be assigned to upon acceptance is a pacific, multicultural, relatively young kingdom, that goes by the name of-“
  • Your Honor, look! I mean… Mira!
    Boysenberry’s voice brought her back to reality. They were walking on naked soil, hardened by the cold weather. Only a few patches of compressed snow and ice were still visible. Color was coming back to that odd world of shades of white and grey they had been crossing for the previous two days, although in the form of a faint and not so pleasant dark brown hue. But it was something.
  • Finally! No more snow. Oh, thank heavens! Oh, what joyful hour! My hooves feel happier already…
  • Tell your hooves not to get ahead of themselves, Berry: it’s still a long way to Lennyland.
  • Aw… well, at least it will be a dry walk, at last.


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