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Page 1706 - Surprise Inside
21st Jun 2022, 6:00 AM in What About Discord?
It’s a rare pleasure to just watch two people just disappear into their characters and have a dramatic improvised conversation. It’s one of my favorite things about roleplaying.
…That might be the old highschool drama club nerd talking.
Discord: Quick question: Do you like surprises? Surprise parties?
Tirek: What? I am a /warlord/. I don’t have time for partying. Discord, please just get to the–
Discord: *SURPRISE!* As a celebration of your first escape from Tartarus, you’re eligible for this special one-time offer! Help me defeat the Elements of Harmony, and you’ll continue to enjoy your freedom in my chaotic reign! Act now while supplies last! If you don’t take advantage of this special offer… I’ll put you right back in Tartarus and find some other guy.
Tirek: Not even bothering with the carrot, then? Going straight for the stick?
Discord: I figured you of all people would appreciate the honesty.