Original Description:
Originally posted on: July 7, 2020, 4:06 AM UTC
{NextGen}~ Changeling HC
Changeling HeadCannons.
King Thorax and King Pharynx, when they were reformed they grew antler like horns, almost beetle like mandibles. These horns are only available to King Changelings, which are very scarce to see, since the last King to ever be seen with was thousands of years ago. The horns serve to Kings to make loud snapping and clacking sounds to their Hive. Natural snappings with a pause in between means for everyone to gather for a Hive meeting, every Worker and every Drone. Loud cracking sounds repeating fast are an alarm to their Hive to find refuge, for Workers to go undergound with the larvae and for Drones to prepare for iminent danger. Queens don’t have horns, so if there is no King in the Hive, they deliver a loud hissing scream sound to alert her subjects. If there is a King and a Queen ruling together, the Queen stays down with her subjects, tending to them and make count of everybody, and also to maintain the peace and for her subjects not to panic. A squad of Drones are also made to stay with the workers and the Queen underground. The King meanwhile goes out with the Drones to fight whatever danger is nearby. If the danger does get close to the Workers, the squad of Drones and the Queen will fight, but if that also fails, the Queen will gather her subjects and lead them somewhere safe. If the King and Queen die, the Workers will find a certain larvae group that are compatible to become a Queen or King, feeding them royal jelly and more nutritious food.
Another note on their horns, they can also transmit magic through them. Seen here when Thorax first reformed-
Thorax magic by PurpleGrim40
Other than that, Thorax and Pharynx have also discovered that they can communicate with each other with the clacking sounds, and they are just passing ridiculous jokes. They should really stop because they are in a middle of a meeting with Twilight and Cadence, but they are not worried since they don’t understand what they are saying.
How do you differentiate females from males? When Chrysalis was still the Queen, every changeling looked almost the same, appart from the Drones to Workers. But there was no sign to know which were female or which were male. But now they reformed to their natural selves, male changelings have almost like decorative ‘gems’. They usually grow out when a male changeling grows. This makes them look more flashy to females, which now in their new ruling system, changelings can find mates. Back in Chrysalis rule, Drones would deliver their love individually to Chrysalis, and Chrysalis would breed an egg or two, Workers were never allowed to breed eggs, they were to tend to the eggs themselves, find food and feed the larvae when they would break out of the eggs. As only Chrysalis would be the only one who would breed the eggs, as she feared that if one worker breeded an egg, and it would be compatible to be a Queen or King, she thought the worker would hide the larvae, feed it royal jelly and Chrysalis would be overthrown. But now in the new system, King Thorax and King Pharynx have mates, so the rest of the Hive can have a mate.
As they are more insect like, changelings do have mandibles. They are used to cut, eat, and usually play fight. These mandibles are very hard and do tend to give quite the harm, they can tear through wood, and hard carapaces, so never anger a changeling if you are lookingfor a long term injury. Mandibles to differentiate from King/Queen, Drone and Worker. Workers have a smaller mandibles than the rest, and only have two sharp edges. Drones have three sharp edges and a fourth smaller one on the outside. For Kings and Queens their mandibles are quite big, with three big spikes, and a fourth big spike, to deal more damage when they have their enemy close in with their bigger mandibles. And just a small example on how the mouth of a changeling is. They don’t have teeth, they have two ‘fangs’ on their mouth. They do have toungues to sip with, and are extremely long. (forgot to draw them, it was late at night lol)
Even though I sometimes hate Chrysalis, I still love her. We don’t have much of a backstory on her on the show. (if there is a backstory of her in the mlp comics plz tell me) But in my MLP Next Gen, once, Chrysalis wasn’t all creepy dark looking, she was once a very beautiful changeling. She once was a normal looking changeling, and yes, I said normal. Chrysalis went corrupt, and her bright colours tunred dark. The male changeling next to her is her brother Cocoon. Strangely, Crysalis and Cocoon were both born from the same egg, which is very rare for changelings. Their parents thought it was a blessing and a miracle for them to have been born healthy from the same egg. Cocoon, was the first one to come out of the egg, so they considered him the older one. They both were fed royal jelly, because they wanted to see which one could be the next ruler of the Hive they lived in. (that would be a story for another time) And next to Cocoon, is just a normal female changeling worker.(I gave her a name so she didn’t feel lonely ;w😉 And the difference between a royal fed and a normal worker female changeling, is that the royal fed female changeling is that they can grow “hair”. It’s almost like their tail form, and they have a bit of a gradient. Male royal changeling don’t have “hair”, but they do have a tail. There in the picture, Cocoon’s horns are starting to grow, so he looks very proud and happy about them.
lol this was so long haha and I still have other ideas lmao
Hope you guys like it~