Original description from Furbooru.
Hey guys I’m a little bit back in here sorry I’m not here so much because I’m most in DA but unfortunately I’m sad…idk why….
Seriously someone (Annisa) keep harass me and others….. it’s make me hurts so much…..
I have anxiety so much and my life is messy and my heart broken 😥😥😥
I lost friends so much…. Because i really don’t know why i make big wrong and some people blocked me…(Don’t ask me why and it’s personal)…..i really don’t believe in online some people haven’t be nice to me than in irl my parents and my bestie Amy from middle school…… :CC
I’m belong quiet person and very sensitive (sensitive 80%,anger 70%,sad 80%,happy 30%)….i don’t like talking to some new people (I only talking to my BFFs)
But some people haven’t listen I said and keep harass me of no reason (i totally hate hacker,bully and harass user)
That’s why I’m not really active here…..
Plus please understand that thanks you….
If you don’t like me i don’t care but Do not comments me in rude comments okay?
Amityverse only belong me,RainbowEevee,Gregory Griffon,EJ, Lightning-Chaser,Brush-Prism and Choisky13 (in DA)
♥️Others website and chat apps♥️
Instagram: amityhsu0724
Facebook: 徐詩珮
Line: 徐詩珮 (i will sent you QR,if you want)
Buzzly: Amity-Hsu
Deviantart: Amity-Hsu
♥️Art status♥️
Request: closed (close friends only)
Art Trade: Ask me
Custom Trade: Ask me
If you want post others website,Please ask me for permission first!!!! (For example post in Facebook,Instagram and Furbooru)
Hope you will like it and thanks support me<3
Did that bird have a stroke or something?
Edited because: Typo
I spy the Communist pony who keep roleplaying on it.
Do you want me to fight you alone, or do we want to besiege you?
Amity : Thanks Madison
Madison : you’re welcome amity :3
Tiffany fisher : all right Madison, time to go home :)
Chris Chan alert
Then she can go back to Derpibooru who’ll call her “stunning and brave” for being who she is and what she is.
I can’t read or type “stunning and brave” without hearing it in Mannix’s sarcastic tone of voice, especially when he was referring to Kathleen Kennedy.
How about you go get a life you asshole.
Amity is better off without you assholes
Get a life Amity