Don’t know where she’s going but she’s sure happy going there.
This took me way too long to make and I’m not exactly sure why. I’m glad it’s finally done though along with the other walk cycles and I think it turned out alright. I also made some more material changes to my modified models since my last animation.
Because this animation has so much movement it creates a lot of motion blur, so I went and rendered a 120hz version as well which you can find a link to below (along with a link to a 3D version).
I used background music from S9E14, actually from the same scene I used as a main reference to make the pronkcycle.
What am I going to work on next? I’m not exactly sure yet. I have an animation idea in mind that will use all the walk cycles but that might take a while to make, especially since the cycles and models will need a little work done to them to make sure they’re working properly with the latest version of Blender. So I’ll probably also work on some smaller projects and maybe start work on some larger projects I’ve wanted to make for a long time. Just know that however long the time gaps between projects from me are I’ll probably always have something I’m working on.
Pinkie Model originally by CreatorOfPony // Modified by me
Rendered using Blender Cycles 2.93 with 3000 samples using SheepIt Renderfarm