Original Description:
Surprise! Our next Pinup is Surpr…. Pinkie Pie!
As always, thanks to everyone for the words!
Thanks to inkscaled, for “Seafood”. Here is idea number one, getting harassed by a lobster.
Thanks to drcool13, for “Tutu”.
Thanks to dalegibson1978, for “Vegas Showgirl Outfit”.
Thanks to flutterbunny76, for “Jester Outfit with Neck Ruff”. Yo dog, I hurd you like neck ruffs…
Thanks to truthislife, for “Open-back Dress”.
Thanks to yangiscool, for “Cosplay”. Pinkie Pool came out sooooooo good, I may have to scan, ink, and color this one.
Bonus, I had two ideas for “Seafood” and since I got done with Sketches early again, I decided to draw my other idea, Pinkie eating Sushi in a shortie kimono.
And then I offered my friend Antionette to give me an eighth wood to fill up the other half of the page.
She then gave “Drag Queen” either as the Race Queens at a Dragstrip, or a Queen in a Drag Show. I decided the later since I drew a week’s worth of Race Queens not long ago.